Gone in 60 Seconds - Captain Marvel Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

diesel · 128


  • Burn through allies with Get Ready so you can get them back in play faster. Let Rapid Response and Make the Call re-trigger their "enters play" abilities. Stand back and watch the carnage.

  • This is an archetype that works with just about any hero, but the card draw and resources that Captain Marvel bring to the party just crank it up to 11.

Nicolas Cage



Early Game

  • Flip between Hero and Alter-Ego often to balance keeping threat managed and getting as much card draw as possible.

  • Priority #1 is always building your engine. Beyond that, Rapid Response is an early target.

  • Next, look for The Triskelion and a full board of allies. If you can mange it at any point while setting up, get an Energy Channel down and start throwing a charges on it when you have wasted cards in hand.

Mid and Late Game

  • Once you're setup, your goal is to cycle the allies to make use of their "enters play" abilities. The targets will change based on the scenario and situation. Take a look at the Allies section below for recommendations.

  • By this point in the game you should always have an ally available to defend, so flipping to Alter-Ego should rarely be necessary unless you're digging for cards.

  • First priority should be to keep a Rapid Response available on the table. Then, pay for allies - either from your hand or with Make the Call. Damage should mostly be left to Photonic Blast and Energy Channel.



  • One of my favorite allies. If you need help reducing threat on the board, Falcon should be your Rapid Response target. If you thwart to defeat him, return him to play with Rapid Response (and trigger his "enters play" ability), then thwart again - he can remove as much as 7 threat in a single turn. Amazeballs...

Maria Hill

  • An amazing card. The card draw, of course, gets better at higher player counts. She's always a good target for Make the Call. Can be a situationally OK target for Rapid Response - but it becomes more reasonable at higher player counts.

  • For example, in solo you are spending three total cards for Rapid Response to eventually put her into play with one damage token. Normally I would say never use Rapid Response on a 2-cost ally, but she is just so freaking efficient that coming back with 1 damage token still works out to average ROI (two thwart for a net two cards).

  • With Make the Call it's especially nice because it's an Action, so if you aren't first player, other players can call for the action and get the benefit of the card draw at the start of their turns.


  • Another amazing ally. Her Confuse is a great answer when someone needs to flip to Alter-Ego.


  • Yet another amazing ally (seeing a theme here?). In minion heavy scenarios, Rapid Response will keep Hawkeye's quiver full all game long.

Squirrel Girl

  • Needs the right situation, but Squirrel Girl is Ultron's worst nightmare. She will likely find her way out of the deck as more cards are released.

Nick Fury

  • Nick with Get Ready is just dirty. Get Ready nets you an additional two thwart for one card, which is just bananas value.


  • Stuns for days.

Other Cards

Rapid Response

  • It should be pretty clear by this point why Rapid Response is included in this deck. However, I do want to recommend that you focus your Rapid Response targets on three and four cost allies.

  • Usually, spending three cards to play Rapid Response, then using it on a 2-cost ally is losing proposition. However, there are exceptions, as I pointed out in the Maria Hill section. Also, some situations may simply force your hand, but it's something to keep in mind.

Get Ready

  • I used to hate this card, but I was wrong. It just makes this deck work! Sometimes you just need that extra consequential damage on Falcon to Rapid Response him back out and clear a side scheme.

  • As I mentioned in the Nick Fury section, it's also great getting that extra activation that normally gets wasted before he's discarded at the end of the round.


Other Considerations

Avengers Assemble!

Strength In Numbers

  • I was tempted to include Strength In Numbers for even more card draw, but it felt like overkill and didn't really fit with the theme of churning through your allies quickly.


  • Just kidding. I don't consider Vision for anything. Ever.

Check out my other decks!

Wakandan Fury [Black Panther Aggression]

Super-Soldier Sentinel [Captain America Protection]

Star-Spangled Beatdown [Captain America Aggression]

I borrowed (stole) this format from Brian-V. Hopefully you don't mind :)