Spider-Woman - Vigster Cardomatic Universe (VCU)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vigster · 18

Note: I build all of my heroes so my decks are optimized only in the sense of the collection - hence the VCU tag. Welcome to the Vigster Cardomatic Universe!

Spider-Woman is complex. She needs to play 2 cards first, then can get a 3/3/3 score. However - it is difficult to get there with Aggression and Justice as those cards tend to cost a lot - so a 2/2/2 line is more likely. The deck does have Heroic Intuition and Combat Training to help out - so it is possible that a 4/4/3 round can happen,

The deck is built to focus on one item per round - allies, thwarting or attacking - with her ability covering the other.

Her allies are expensive but can be powerful:

  • Nick Fury - usual flex deployment, plus attack/thwart plus chump block
  • Mockingbird - Stun, attack/thwart a bit, then chump block
  • Jessica Jones - all around help - especially if heavy on side schemes
  • She-Hulk - Get her hurt a wee bit, then have her smack really hard.
  • Tigra - loves minions.
  • Captain Marvel - card draw

She will fight under the justice label using Impede (good at returning to the hand for play for cost); Running Interference for main scheme control and Stealth Strike to hunt minions or hurt the villain.

Under Aggression, she really focuses on Browbeat to damage the villain - otherwise Boot Camp helps the allies and Counterattack and The Best Defenseā€¦ help to play a cheap aggression card to buff for the turn