Captain America - Strength in Assembly (Project Post-con) [L

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Michaelangelo · 3988

This deck is part of Project Post-con: building a ready to use deck for each existing hero, just using the available card copies of buying each pack once. This does not only enable fast pick-and-play, but it also makes each deck feel unique, as not everyone is using the same powerhouse cards. Each deck is intended to be fun and usable in expert mode, but none will be the absolute strongest possible due to the card limitations. Looking for other decks? Search for the Post-con tag.

Project Post-con builds: V2.0

Removed since previous version: 1x The Triskelion, 1x Morale Boost (removed to keep them saved up for the upcoming Nova build)

Added since previous version: 1x Stinger, 1x Regroup

Cap has many talents, but leading the Avengers is really what he is made for. This Strength in Numbers archetype deck shows off exactly that. But Cap does not just rely on his allies. With inherent Thwarting potential, readying, 2 resource generators and stun potential in his hero kit, there isn't much you cannot do. So let's see how we've assembled this.


As (almost) always, the three basic resources have their value also in this deck, with enough higher cost targets. Besides these three, there are also 2 copies of Band Together, which is good value at already 2 allies and great value at three. Cap can not only get enough allies on the board fast to get that value out, but in his Avenger allies are out for shoarma, the card still has value for a free ready through his hero ability.


As this is an Avenger-based deck, his allies focus on the Avenger trait.

  • Agent 13, his signature ally, is the only exception to the avenger rule. For this an Honorary Avenger is included. She helps mainly on Cap's already strong thwarting potential.
  • Hawkeye (Clint) is a great ally for countering minions.
  • Squirrel Girl further helps with area damage and low playing cost
  • Hawkeye (Kate) is a bit more niche than Clint, but also a cheap avenger for decent attack.
  • Power Man and Wonder Man are high attack allies, great for a burst with Avengers Assemble!.
  • Stinger puts the icing on the cake, adding 1more to your ally count for Strength In Numbers.


  • Captain America's Shield is guaranteed and very useful. Retaliate is great and it is needed for his shield-based events. Just hope not to mulligan into it to ensure a starting hand of 7.
  • Super-Soldier Serum is great to mulligan for, as the free resources each turn allow so much flexibility.
  • Captain America's Helmet is a decent insurance card. Nothing to focus on, but definitely takes the pressure off. And the fact that it does not get removed from play, means potentially multiple saves per game.
  • Honorary Avenger is straightforward, in part meant for Agent 13, but just as good on Cap himself, to allow full use of Mighty Avengers, while he's chilling in his apartment.


  • Avengers Tower increases your ally limit for your Strength In Numbers shenanigans. It even helps pay for most allies.
  • Steve's Apartment is cheap for additional card draw and healing. Cap has the thwart potential to allow seeing alter-ego, but often does not need to go there. Healing helps keeping the allies on the field for Strength In Numbers.
  • Mighty Avengers really sees a lot of value with all the allies that get played.
  • Quinjet further helps playing allies when you draw into them. This ensures keeping a full ally limit. Combined with Regroup and the Make the Call event, it ensures all your allies are as expandable as you need them to be.


The deck has a lot of different events with optimal use in different situations. Strength In Numbers ensures you will see a lot of them to choose from.

  • Strength In Numbers ensures drawing into many cards to play into more allies to draw more cards,... you get the idea. This card starts spiralling quickly once you have around 3 allies out.
  • Avengers Assemble! combo's great as Strength In Numbers (and your Super-Soldier Serum) ensure the 4-cost will look cheap in this deck. And as it readies all allies, the exhaust from Strength In Numbers does not matter much. And don't forget, Cap gets the boost as well.
  • Make the Call ensures you keep your allies up and allows for chumping guilt-free.
  • Fearless Determination also sees a lot of use and works great with his re-readying ability. It gives him Justice-level threat handling.
  • Heroic Strike allows for stun, making you also strong defensively. And this deck really does not worry about the cost. And the decent damage also helps.
  • Shield Toss is your answer to minions, again adding to the deck versatility
  • Shield Block finally is a strong defence card.

In conclusion, with one of the most versatile hero kits in the game, added with insane card draw, Cap can handle any scenario all day.