[Outdated] Peter Parker Power

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

VillainTheory · 29612

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever four spiders can. The Spider-Man ally is the core of the deck - combine him with Command Teams, keep him alive/resurrect him, and profit from more readying-up than even Quicksilver dares to dream of.

(Credit to ToneeTales for inspiring this deck with a similar one via Youtube. Check his channel out!)

Preserve your allies with stuns for the villain and tough status cards for yourself. Prepare to ready 6+ times in a turn. If your friend can play a Combat Training or Heroic Intuition on you too? All the better.

Moxie is a fine option here, Miles can use it with Double Life, but it's situational and I find the other cards I've included more consistent. Can be included to meme things up for the craziest turn imaginable.

Symbiote Suit is actually a fantastic option here if you want to spice things up. It's very risky, but very rewarding too and benefits from The Power in All of Us.

Good luck!