She-Hulk Confused Frenzy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


This deck heavily relies on confusing the Villain, with things like Concussive Blow and Sonic Rifle you are able to keep the villain confused for multiple turns while cranking out damage with Scare Tactic, One-Two Punch, Gamma Slam, and Focused Rage

This deck does have a good bit of thwarting as well, things like Lay Down the Law set up a good flip to hero and then go in with damage. Along with things like Legal Practice, Superhuman Law Division and Beat Cop to keep the threat removed. Then you have threat prevention inherently with the confuses and then I object as well as Great Responsibility

Great Responsibility is possibly the best card for Gamma Slam as well, you prevent all threat then fuel your damage to boost up Gamma. couple that with endurance and you can swing at maximum damage at times.