Basic B - Venom

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Eldritch · 8

This build is an awful idea all around, but I figured hey, if Venom is so good, and Guardians are so good, maybe he can roll with just Basic cards. Really would want both Rocket Raccoon and Groot to make this work, and then throw in Knowhere with 4-5 Guardian allies.

Actually I think this might be playable.

Okay, serious time. I've got a big Guardian ally package, allowing for additional allies and a bunch of potential draw, on top of the value that the allies bring themselves. I am not running Sidearm to support them, despite how much I want to, because of how it messes with Flash's Armed and Ready Setup ability. Allies will be largely disposable, but there are also 3 copies of First Aid in here to keep anyone that's being particularly effective on the field longer.

Additional Cards and Resources package includes:

Survival and Control package:

  • 1x Crew Quarters: Free healing on every flip cycle, which Venom does frequently, especially once Project Rebirth is in play.
  • 1x Endurance: Additional room to breathe, and that's pretty much it.
  • 3x First Aid: Primarily healing support for allies and help to keep them on the board longer, but can be used on Venom in a pinch.
  • 2x Grasping Tendrils: The best control card in the game, if the villain isn't Stalwart.
  • 1x Project Rebirth 2.0: MASSIVE AE healing or extra card draw, frankly top priority to get out on the board.
  • 2x Target Acquired: Keep nasty boost abilities from hitting.