Goliath Bounce Aggro

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Trevor · 8


Dump everything into the discard pile with Call for Aid and get Goliath out, then stack a thin deck with Rapid Response for a recurring combo of 10++ damage per round.

The Cards:

-Call for Aid empties the deck and finds Goliath.

-Command Team and Get Ready let him swing twice.

-Rapid Response bounces Goliath back when he's defeated by consequential damage on the second swing. Never single swing. Always one-two!

-Play Last Stand(s) on the second swing. (The attack will resolve into Rapid Response before the discard.)

Stacking the Deck:

-G.I.R.L. bounces Rapid Response, Leadership Training, and Genius back to the deck.

-Leadership Training bounces Get Ready and Last Stand back to the deck.

-Don't draw to empty and reset the deck. This might require holding onto a card.

The Other Cards:

-Command Team can't be bounced, but it might enable stacking Last Stand instead of Get Ready for bonus damage.

-Quincarrier sustains a 4-5 card thin deck and can be G.I.R.L. bounced. Good for longer multiplayer games when the deck might get that thin.

-Mighty Avengers also has potential for longer games, but can't be bounced. Good for multiplayer.

-There are 7 resource cards in the deck to help get set up (including Pym Particles) but only Genius is bounceable.

-Unfortunately, all of Wasp's cards (including Ant-Man) are less efficient than the main combo. They can help with some thwarting if necessary, but remember this is an aggro deck (fast damage). Thematically, Goliath and Wasp are both connected to Pym, but mechanically, the only thing connecting them is Nadia's G.I.R.L. action.


-Rapid Response and G.I.R.L. are the heart of the deck, but one is Hero and the other is Alter Ego. Switch every round and time things carefully.

-Take a few hits and allow some scheming while getting the combo set up. It won't matter when the villain is knocked out.

-Mulligan priority is Goliath / Call for Aid, then Rapid Response, then double resources x3, and finally Get Ready.

-Call for Aid is not just for finding Goliath, but also to thin the deck. If they all get buried, it might be necessary to bounce them back into the deck.

Rejected Cards:

-Teamwork can generate a 3rd swing! However, it is dependent on Command Team and Mighty Avengers (neither of which can be bounced) to be as efficient as Last Stand, though arguably more fun. Since it's bounceable, swapping in a single copy is sufficient.

-A 3rd swing can also be achieved with Inspiring Presence + Team Training, but the latter doesn't bounce and this is also a less efficient combo.

-Regroup would require paying full cost of ally.

-Earth's Mightiest Heroes is a costlier Get Ready that doesn't bounce.

-Avengers Mansion is too slow for aggro.


-This is still theorycraft. I don't own all these cards. But it seems pretty straightforward and the testing holds up. Show me what I've missed! <3

-This deck is very linear and may not be fun to play more than once or twice :) but how viable was it before Valkyrie gave us Leadership Training? So, who knows what the future will bring...