Peter & Tony Play for Keeps (Iron Man Justice)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

juicebox · 11

Long time lurker (on and now here), this is my first time to actually post a deck [well technically second, as I'm posting this along with my "Peter & Tony Play For Keeps (Spider-Man Leadership)" deck]. I felt inspired by the recent AMA video from FFG with Michael Boggs when he talked about heroes he likes to pair together. This deck can be played solo but was also designed to partner with Peter & Tony Play for Keeps (Spider-Man Leadership).

This deck is all about using those resources to the max.

Tips for Play:

Mulligan for at least one or two of Tony's tech upgrades, as priority number one is to get cranking on building that suit. An early Stark Tower can help with this process quite a bit as well.

Stay in Tony Stark mode as much as possible early to build the suit as fast as you can. This is easier to do if paired with another hero to help hold down the fort early. My choice, for the moment, is Spider-Man Leadership.

Almost everything added to the deck has a resource on it which can be used for massive damage plays with Iron Man's Repulsor Blast cards. The exceptions to this are Daredevil, one copy of Surveillance Team, Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, Genius, Strength, and The Power of Justice.

I'll discuss some stand out cards first before getting to the non- cards...

Heroic Intuition boosts Iron Man's thwart to 3. That is like, really good. Play one of these down as an upgrade early, and then save the other two for your Repulsor Blast fun later.

For Justice! is quintessential threat reduction.

Jessica Jones is a quality ally for getting in some 2 hit attacks or thwarting for value (if there are side-schemes in play) before blocking like a champ.

Endurance can be played on Iron Man early if you haven't gotten the pieces of his suit that boost his health out yet, but I like to play it on Spider-Man or just use it late game as a resource for Repulsor Blast.

Enhanced Reflexes, Followed, and the three copies of Interrogation Room and Emergency may have some situational use, but they are all mainly in the deck as resources as well. As the card pool grows, I can imagine swapping many of these out for tastier options.

Now for the non- cards...

Daredevil is worth it because he brings so much value to the table, able to thwart for 2 and do a damage at least 3 times (unless you need him to block in a pinch).

Surveillance Team can either help with early game thwarting or the resource can help make him Aerial once the suit is up and running.

Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier are really nice to put into play early while Tony is building the suit to keep him functioning if he needs to flip to Iron Man to deal with problematic threat.

The Power of Justice is , but it's so useful for playing For Justice!, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, or that first copy of Heroic Intuition.

The big set-up...

So, what are all the cards there for anyway? Well, it's all about setting up massive damage plays with Repulsor Blast later in the game. Once Stark Tower is out, the suit is built, and Pepper Potts is in play, your deck has such a high number of resources left in it that you can hit for a ton of damage each time you do the deed. It feels so good, and it's well worth the set-up.

Game Play Highlight:

My favorite game so far with this deck (paired with Spider-Man Leadership) was against Klaw on Expert Mode with the Electro Modular Encounter set. This is a fun challenge because the Electro modular cards burn through the Klaw encounter deck even faster. It was a tense game that played out much like Boggs predicted... Spider-Man came out the gate swinging, keeping the villain occupied, while Tony Stark built his machine, ultimately taking to the sky for some late game Repulsor Blast madness!