Peter & Tony Play for Keeps (Spider-Man Leadership)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

juicebox · 11

Long time lurker (on and now here), this is my first time to actually post a deck. I felt inspired by the recent AMA video from FFG with Michael Boggs when he talked about heroes he likes to pair together. This deck can be played solo but was also designed to partner with Peter & Tony Play for Keeps (Iron Man Justice).

This deck revolves around maximizing use of allies.

Tips for Play:

Mulligan hard for allies. It's worth it to help get off to a fast start (i.e. clearing early threat or dealing with early minions). An early Nick Fury used for card draw basically pays for itself, while Mockingbird can stun the Villian first turn to really slow their roll. Early Black Cat can be a thing of dreams, while Maria Hill or Squirrel Girl are fine too, as they can be used early to chump block, which lands them in your discard pile to pull back later with Make the Call.

Inspired goes first and foremost on Black Cat, because when she can swing for 2 attack every single turn without taking damage, that's just too good.

Wonder Man is a fantastic target for Teamwork so Spider-Man can do a base attack for 5 damage while Wonder Man just stays put, ready to do it again.

Make the Call is especially good with Maria Hill for more card draw, Squirrel Girl to ping tough status cards, Falcon for potential threat reduction, or Mockingbird for a timely stun.

Get Ready is versatile, but it works very well with Nick Fury to get the most out of him while he's around, Black Cat to do an extra two damage, or Falcon to attack or thwart with him for 2 multiple times on a turn.

Avengers Tower lets you have a fourth ally in play, which is wonderful for a leadership deck all about maximizing the use of allies.

Helicarrier and Avengers Mansion are worth playing if you can get them down early.

Endurance gives Spider-Man an extra 3 health, which is good against heavy hitting villains, though I view this as slot 40 in the deck, and it could be swapped out for something else if you have a pet favorite Leadership or Basic card you just can't leave home without.

Game Play Highlight:

My favorite game so far with this deck (paired with Iron Man Justice) was against Klaw on Expert Mode with the Electro Modular Encounter set. This is a fun challenge because the Electro modular cards burn through the Klaw encounter deck even faster. It was a tense game that played out much like Boggs predicted... Spider-Man came out the gate swinging, keeping the villain occupied, while Tony Stark built his machine, ultimately taking to the sky for some late game Repulsor Blast madness!