

Attack: 2. Scheme: 2. Punti Ferita: 6.

Risposta Obbligata: Dopo che Electro ti ha attaccato, scarta 1 carta dal mazzo degli incontri. Subisci 1 danno indiretto per ogni icona potenziamento scartata in questo modo

Potenziamento: Scarta 3 carte dal mazzo delgi incontri.

Goblin #42. Risucchio di Energia #2.
FAQs (taken from the official FAQ or FFG's responses to the official rules question form)

Q: If I defend against Electro with an ally, does his Forced Response still trigger?

A: Villains and minions activate against the player, so Electro’s ability resolves against the player he attacks. If you defend with an ally, he has still attacked you – the player. -(Developer Ruling , Hall of Heroes)

Last updated

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