Name Class C. Type Resources Traits Pack Set
Bishop Eroe Eroe Temporal. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 1 Bishop
Malcolm Eroe 3 Alleato Temporal. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 2 Bishop 1
Randall Eroe 3 Alleato Temporal. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 3 Bishop 2
Bishop's Rifle Eroe 2 Miglioria Temporal. Weapon. Age of Apocalypse 4 Bishop 3
Bishop's Uniform Eroe 2 Miglioria Item. Temporal. Age of Apocalypse 5 Bishop 4
Super-Charged Eroe 0 Miglioria Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 6 Bishop 5-6
Concussive Blast Eroe 3 Evento Attack. Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 7 Bishop 7-8
Command Authority Eroe 2 Evento Thwart. Age of Apocalypse 8 Bishop 9-10
Energy Conversion Eroe 0 Evento Defense. Age of Apocalypse 9 Bishop 11-12
Stored Energy Eroe Risorsa Temporal. Age of Apocalypse 10 Bishop 13-15
Cable: Nathan Summers Autorità 4 Alleato Psionic. X-Force. Age of Apocalypse 11
X-23: Laura Kinney Autorità 3 Alleato X-Force. Age of Apocalypse 12
Addestramento di Squadra Autorità 2 Supporto Condizione. Age of Apocalypse 13
Advanced Suit Autorità 0 Miglioria Armor. Item. Age of Apocalypse 14
Sidekick Autorità 1 Miglioria Title. Age of Apocalypse 15
Side-by-Side Autorità 2 Evento Age of Apocalypse 16
Suit Up Autorità 2 Evento Age of Apocalypse 17
Comando in Prima Linea Autorità 2 Evento Tattica. Age of Apocalypse 18
Potere dell'Autorità Autorità Risorsa Age of Apocalypse 19
Legion: David Haller Base 3 Alleato Psionic. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 20
Marrow: Sarah Base 2 Alleato X-Force. Age of Apocalypse 21
Energia Base Risorsa Age of Apocalypse 22
Genialità Base Risorsa Age of Apocalypse 23
Forza Base Risorsa Age of Apocalypse 24
Fear the Future Incontri Incombenza Age of Apocalypse 25 Bishop
Trevor Fitzroy Incontri Gregario Elite. Temporal. Age of Apocalypse 26 Bishop Nemesis 1
Portal Through Time Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 27 Bishop Nemesis 2
Bantam Incontri Gregario Temporal. Age of Apocalypse 28 Bishop Nemesis 3
Temporal Trickery Incontri Insidia Temporal. Age of Apocalypse 29 Bishop Nemesis 4-5
Magik Eroe Eroe Mystic. X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 30 Magik
Colossus: Piotr Rasputin Eroe 3 Alleato X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 31 Magik 1
Limbo Eroe 1 Supporto Dimension. Age of Apocalypse 32 Magik 2
Magik's Crown Eroe 2 Miglioria Item. Age of Apocalypse 33 Magik 3
Soulsword Eroe 1 Miglioria Weapon. Age of Apocalypse 34 Magik 4
Mystical Armor Eroe 1 Miglioria Armor. Age of Apocalypse 35 Magik 5
Scrying Eroe 0 Evento Spell. Age of Apocalypse 36 Magik 6
Stepping Disc Eroe 1 Evento Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 37 Magik 7-9
Exorcism Eroe 2 Evento Spell. Thwart. Age of Apocalypse 38 Magik 10-11
Soul Strike Eroe 2 Evento Attack. Spell. Age of Apocalypse 39 Magik 12-13
Magic Barrier Eroe 1 Evento Defense. Spell. Age of Apocalypse 40 Magik 14-15
Goldballs: Fabio Medina Offensiva 3 Alleato X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 41
Tempus: Eva Bell Offensiva 2 Alleato X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 42
Blood Rage Offensiva 1 Miglioria Condition. Age of Apocalypse 43
Test the Defense Offensiva 1 Miglioria Skill. Age of Apocalypse 44
Full-Body Charge Offensiva 4 Evento Attack. Age of Apocalypse 45
Batosta Offensiva 2 Evento Attacco. Age of Apocalypse 46
Potere dell'Offensiva Offensiva Risorsa Age of Apocalypse 47
Triage: Christopher Muse Base 2 Alleato X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 48
Stepford Cuckoos Base 3 Supporto Persona. Psionic. Age of Apocalypse 49
Bloodgem Base 0 Miglioria Item. Age of Apocalypse 50
Basic Spell Base 2 Evento Spell. Age of Apocalypse 51
Meditazione Spirituale Base 0 Evento Incantesimo. Age of Apocalypse 52
Darkchilde Incontri Incombenza Age of Apocalypse 53 Magik
Belasco Incontri Gregario Elite. Limbo. Age of Apocalypse 54 Magik Nemesis 1
Ruler of Limbo Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 55 Magik Nemesis 2
S'ym Incontri Gregario Limbo. Age of Apocalypse 56 Magik Nemesis 3
Witchfire Incontri Gregario Limbo. Age of Apocalypse 57 Magik Nemesis 4
Battle for Limbo Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 58 Magik Nemesis 5
Unus (I) Incontri Criminale Prelate. Age of Apocalypse 59 Unus 1
Unus (II) Incontri Criminale Prelate. Age of Apocalypse 60 Unus 2
Unus (III) Incontri Criminale Prelate. Age of Apocalypse 61 Unus 3
Hunting Gene Traitors Incontri Trama Principale Age of Apocalypse 62 Unus 4
Prelate Sidearm Incontri Aggiunta Weapon. Age of Apocalypse 63 Unus 5
Prelate Armor Incontri Aggiunta Armor. Age of Apocalypse 64 Unus 6
Infinite Hunter Incontri Gregario Infinite. Age of Apocalypse 65 Unus 7-8
Genetic Experiments Incontri Aggiunta Condition. Age of Apocalypse 66 Unus 9-10
Infinite Prelate Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 67 Unus 11-12
Endless Ranks Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 68 Unus 13-14
Infinite Soldier Incontri Gregario Infinite. Age of Apocalypse 69 Infinites 1-5
Culling the Weak Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 70 Infinites 6-7
Gene Pool Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 71 Infinites 8
Hunted Incontri Incombenza Age of Apocalypse 72 Dystopian Nightmare 1-2
War-Weary Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 73 Dystopian Nightmare 3-4
Targeted for Extermination Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 74 Dystopian Nightmare 5-6
Pursued by the Past Incontri Ambiente Age of Apocalypse 75 Standard III 1
Dark Design Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 76 Standard III 2-3
Sinister Strike Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 77 Standard III 4-5
Evil Alliance Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 78 Standard III 6
Nowhere is Safe Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 79 Standard III 7
Drawing Near Incontri Incombenza Age of Apocalypse 80 Standard III 8
War Incontri Criminale Horsemen. Age of Apocalypse 81 Four Horsemen 1
Famine Incontri Criminale Horsemen. Age of Apocalypse 82 Four Horsemen 2
Pestilence Incontri Criminale Horsemen. Age of Apocalypse 83 Four Horsemen 3
Death Incontri Criminale Aerial. Horsemen. Age of Apocalypse 84 Four Horsemen 4
The Horsemen of Apocalypse Incontri Trama Principale Age of Apocalypse 85 Four Horsemen 5
The Ravages of War Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 86 Four Horsemen 6
A Time of Famine Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 87 Four Horsemen 7
Plague and Pestilence Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 88 Four Horsemen 8
The Specter of Death Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 89 Four Horsemen 9
Golden Horse Incontri Aggiunta Item. Tech. Age of Apocalypse 90 Four Horsemen 10-12
Metal Wings Incontri Aggiunta Item. Tech. Age of Apocalypse 91 Four Horsemen 13
Horseman of War Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 92 Four Horsemen 14
Horseman of Famine Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 93 Four Horsemen 15
Horseman of Pestilence Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 94 Four Horsemen 16
Horseman of Death Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 95 Four Horsemen 17
Rough Riders Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 96 Four Horsemen 18-20
Ahab Incontri Gregario Cyborg. Tracker. Age of Apocalypse 97 Hounds 1
Hound Incontri Gregario Tracker. Age of Apocalypse 98 Hounds 2-5
Ahab's Energy Spear Incontri Aggiunta Weapon. Age of Apocalypse 99 Hounds 6
Release the Hounds Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 100 Hounds 7
Apocalypse (I) Incontri Criminale Mutant. Age of Apocalypse 101 Apocalypse 1
Apocalypse (III) Incontri Criminale Mutant. Age of Apocalypse 102 Apocalypse 2
The Age of Apocalypse Incontri Trama Principale Age of Apocalypse 103 Apocalypse 3
Heart of the Empire Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 104 Apocalypse 4
The Tyrant's Throne Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 105 Apocalypse 5
Cyberpathy Incontri Aggiunta Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 106 Apocalypse 6
Biomorphing Incontri Aggiunta Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 107 Apocalypse 7
Molecular Control Incontri Aggiunta Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 108 Apocalypse 8
The Fittest Incontri Aggiunta Condition. Age of Apocalypse 109 Apocalypse 9-10
Wolf Among Sheep Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 110 Apocalypse 11-13
The Apocalypse Solution Incontri Aggiunta Age of Apocalypse 111 Apocalypse 14-15
Gauntlet Incontri Gregario Dark Riders. Age of Apocalypse 112 Dark Riders 1
Barrage Incontri Gregario Dark Riders. Age of Apocalypse 113 Dark Riders 2
Hard-Drive Incontri Gregario Dark Riders. Age of Apocalypse 114 Dark Riders 3
Tusk Incontri Gregario Dark Riders. Age of Apocalypse 115 Dark Riders 4
Psynapse Incontri Gregario Dark Riders. Age of Apocalypse 116 Dark Riders 5
The Dark Riders Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 117 Dark Riders 6
Dark Beast (I) Incontri Criminale Brute. Genius. Age of Apocalypse 118 Dark Beast 1
Dark Beast (II) Incontri Criminale Brute. Genius. Age of Apocalypse 119 Dark Beast 2
Dark Beast (III) Incontri Criminale Brute. Genius. Age of Apocalypse 120 Dark Beast 3
Dark Beast's Bogus Journey Incontri Trama Principale Age of Apocalypse 121 Dark Beast 4
High-Tech Goggles Incontri Aggiunta Tech. Age of Apocalypse 122 Dark Beast 5
Genetic Enhancement Incontri Aggiunta Condition. Age of Apocalypse 123 Dark Beast 6
Cruel Experiment Incontri Aggiunta Condition. Age of Apocalypse 124 Dark Beast 7-8
Evil Genius Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 125 Dark Beast 9-11
Time-Travel Shenanigans Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 126 Dark Beast 12-13
The Savage Land Incontri Ambiente Location. Setting. Age of Apocalypse 127 Savage Land 1
Pterosaur Incontri Gregario Aerial. Creature. Age of Apocalypse 128 Savage Land 2
Velociraptor Incontri Gregario Creature. Age of Apocalypse 129 Savage Land 3-4
Giant Ape Incontri Gregario Creature. Age of Apocalypse 130 Savage Land 5-6
Land Out of Time Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 131 Savage Land 7
Village Under Attack Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 132 Savage Land 8
Genosha Incontri Ambiente Location. Setting. Age of Apocalypse 133 Genosha 1
Magistrate Incontri Gregario Genosha. Age of Apocalypse 134 Genosha 2-4
Armored Unibike Incontri Gregario Genosha. Vehicle. Age of Apocalypse 135 Genosha 5
Genoshan Mech Incontri Gregario Genosha. Vehicle. Age of Apocalypse 136 Genosha 6
Escaped Mutant Incontri Aggiunta Age of Apocalypse 137 Genosha 7
Police State Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 138 Genosha 8
Blue Area of the Moon Incontri Ambiente Location. Setting. Age of Apocalypse 139 Blue Moon 1
Gladiator Incontri Gregario Elite. Imperial Guard. Age of Apocalypse 140 Blue Moon 2
Oracle Incontri Gregario Imperial Guard. Age of Apocalypse 141 Blue Moon 3
Manta Incontri Gregario Imperial Guard. Age of Apocalypse 142 Blue Moon 4
Earthquake Incontri Gregario Imperial Guard. Age of Apocalypse 143 Blue Moon 5
Warstar Incontri Gregario Imperial Guard. Age of Apocalypse 144 Blue Moon 6
Imperial Guardsman Incontri Aggiunta Title. Age of Apocalypse 145 Blue Moon 7
Trial by Combat Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 146 Blue Moon 8
En Sabah Nur's Pyramid Incontri Trama Principale Age of Apocalypse 147 En Sabah Nur 4
The Rise of Apocalypse Incontri Trama Principale Age of Apocalypse 148 En Sabah Nur 5
Staggering Strength Incontri Aggiunta Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 149 En Sabah Nur 6-7
Biomorphic Blast Incontri Insidia Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 150 En Sabah Nur 8-9
Technological Interface Incontri Insidia Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 151 En Sabah Nur 10-11
Giant-Sized Despot Incontri Insidia Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 152 En Sabah Nur 12-13
Source of Power Incontri Trama Secondaria Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 153 En Sabah Nur 14
Plugged In Incontri Trama Secondaria Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 154 En Sabah Nur 15
Giant Growth Incontri Trama Secondaria Superpower. Age of Apocalypse 155 En Sabah Nur 16
Celestial Armor Incontri Aggiunta Armor. Celestial. Age of Apocalypse 156 Celestial Tech 1
Celestial Weapon Incontri Aggiunta Celestial. Weapon. Age of Apocalypse 157 Celestial Tech 2
Celestial Tech Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 158 Celestial Tech 3-4
Ozymandias Incontri Gregario Clan Akkaba. Elite. Age of Apocalypse 159 Clan Akkaba 1
Scarab Incontri Gregario Clan Akkaba. Age of Apocalypse 160 Clan Akkaba 2
Clan Akkaba Zealot Incontri Gregario Clan Akkaba. Age of Apocalypse 161 Clan Akkaba 3-5
Tyrant Worship Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 162 Clan Akkaba 6
Ancient Ritual Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 163 Clan Akkaba 7
Agent of Apocalypse Incontri Gregario Clan Akkaba. Age of Apocalypse 164 Age of Apocalypse 1-2
Worldwide Crisis Incontri Insidia Age of Apocalypse 165 Age of Apocalypse 3-4
Liberate the Seattle Core Incontri Trama Secondaria Mission. Age of Apocalypse 166 Mission 1
Evacuate Survivors Incontri Trama Secondaria Mission. Age of Apocalypse 167 Mission 2
Sabotage the Sea Wall Incontri Trama Secondaria Mission. Age of Apocalypse 168 Mission 3
Find Lost Mutants Incontri Trama Secondaria Mission. Age of Apocalypse 169 Mission 4
Protect the Professor Incontri Trama Secondaria Mission. Age of Apocalypse 170 Mission 5
Mission Team Campagna Supporto Mission. Age of Apocalypse 171
Destiny: Irene Adler Campagna 4 Alleato X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 172
Blink: Clarice Ferguson Campagna 4 Alleato X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 173
Morph: Kevin Sydney Campagna 4 Alleato X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 174
X-Man: Nate Grey Campagna 4 Alleato X-Men. Age of Apocalypse 175
Desperate Measures Campagna 1 Miglioria Age of Apocalypse 176
North American Sea Wall Incontri Trama Secondaria Age of Apocalypse 177 Campaign 1
Panicked Refugees Incontri Incombenza Age of Apocalypse 178 Campaign 2-5
Mister Sinister Incontri Gregario Elite. Overseer. Age of Apocalypse 179 Overseer 1
The Shadow King Incontri Gregario Elite. Overseer. Age of Apocalypse 180 Overseer 2
Abyss Incontri Gregario Elite. Overseer. Age of Apocalypse 181 Overseer 3
Sugar Man Incontri Gregario Elite. Overseer. Age of Apocalypse 182 Overseer 4
Mikhail Rasputin Incontri Gregario Elite. Overseer. Age of Apocalypse 183 Overseer 5
Apocalypse (I) Incontri Criminale Mutant. Biomorph. Age of Apocalypse 184 En Sabah Nur 1
Apocalypse (I) Incontri Criminale Mutant. Giant. Age of Apocalypse 184 En Sabah Nur 1
Apocalypse (II) Incontri Criminale Mutant. Biomorph. Age of Apocalypse 185 En Sabah Nur 2
Apocalypse (II) Incontri Criminale Mutant. Giant. Age of Apocalypse 185 En Sabah Nur 2
Apocalypse (III) Incontri Criminale Mutant. Biomorph. Age of Apocalypse 186 En Sabah Nur 3
Apocalypse (III) Incontri Criminale Mutant. Giant. Age of Apocalypse 186 En Sabah Nur 3