Just Thor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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FreqKing · 25

In solo play, where you play Just Thor (see what I did there...see what I...yeah, I'll see myself out). Anyway, Justice is the perfect complement to Thor's relatively weak thwart in solo mode. Enhanced Physique gives you the you need to reliably dish out damage with Concussive Blow. This helps you maintain forward momentum as you switch to the Odinson. Don't miss potential opportunities to discard Mjolnir as a resource then draw it again while you are there (installing it again with Helicarrier when you are set up). Under Surveillance seemed Under Whelming on first reading but is actually incredibly powerful if you see it early, particularly in solo mode. Early schemes are typically far more forgiving so the ability to stick the needle there is really great. I chose to take three to make sure you see it early. When you don Thor's Helmet your max life tops out at a whopping 19, meaning you can easily make good use of the 6 recover you get with Down Time. Obviously situational, but For Asgard! targets in order of preference are typically Asgard, Lady Sif, then Thor's Helmet. I wouldn't take more than a single Interrogation Room personally, it's a sort of nice to have utility. I've only tested rigorously against Green Goblin Mutagen Cloud but careful play brings victory there on expert fairly reliably.