Agent Nadia van Dyne

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jammydude44 · 34

A Wasp deck ideally pairing up with Ant-Man (or Ant-Man and friends).

Wasp has fairly consistent damage, and the focus of this deck is adding plenty of threat removal and a little utility. Alongside Ant-Man (in two player, l feel leadership is the best partner to this), you have complete control over the schemes in play with this deck. A high priority is put on finding card advantage where possible, freeing up resources for Pinpoint Strike, Wasp Sting and your three Wasp Upgrades.

Lay Down the Law is excellent as you flip between forms frequently enough, and you can use it off the change of form from Rapid Growth to really clear down a scheme. Clear the Area provides some further cheap - and efficient - thwarting.

The cheap thwart options make space for Stealth Strike, which adds two extra damage events just to ensure you should have one to hand where required.

This deck also offers some spy shenanigans, so getting Agent Coulson, Mockingbird and Nick Fury into play when you draw into them is high priority. Spycraft helps to keep the worst the encounter deck has at bay while Espionage helps Wasp's card advantage, which isn't as strong as her Scott Lang counterpart.

Heroic Intuition pairs well with her giant hero ability in boosting her total thwart output, and being able to split this over schemes means that Skilled Investigator should find consistent triggers.

A fairly low-cost deck means just one The Power of Justice as the focus should be on using Pym Particles to provide consistent healing and keeping us out of Alter-ego.