Wasp - Draining Stings

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wasp Agg - A tiny overkill 2 1 2 1.0
Wasp Aggression Sinister 0 0 0 1.0

L3w15 7 · 11162

Thanks to the preorder confusion in the UK I've had access for a fair few weeks now.

After clearing Rhino with the precon solo, I discovered that Wasp has unfortunately joined the club of heroes that come with aggression decks that aren't very good in solo. I really wanted to keep wasp in aggression though because so much of her kit is designed to be aggressive. This is the deck I have used to clear Klaw , Ultron, mutagen formula, wrecking crew and kang on expert as well as Risky Business on heroic.

The card that REALLY lets you though is Moment of Triumph.

The theory behind this list is very much to maximise the payoff for wasp's high damage powerful attack events - Pinpoint Strike in particular, but also Wasp Sting. These cards allow wasp to utilise Moment of Triumph more consistently than any other hero. Not only that, but even Surprise Attack is arguably a wasp exclusive card since very few other aggression decks are going to regularly change forms.

All of these attack events also make wasp the hero best able to utilise Martial Prowess. Martial Prowess in particular feels as though it was designed to perfectly synergise with Surprise Attack.

To offer the deck ways to thwart as well as further synergising with the Moment of Triumph gameplan I also added Into the Fray and Chase Them Down.

Typically with this deck you tend to want to stay out of alter ego form most turns, but when you do you want to be shuffling back Giant Help most of the time which enables you a good way to thwart after you've allowed the villain to scheme for a turn. Genius is obviously another fantastic target, and beyond that Pinpoint Strike, Wasp Sting, Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier and Swarm Tactics (with Ant-Man in play) are also worth putting back.

Obviously the weak point of this deck is that it does rely on the villain having minions out for you to kill, but fortunately most of the harder scenarios at the moment are minion heavy. This particular gameplan would be more consistent in multiplayer, but I have played it in solo and it works often enough to be effective.


Feb 03, 2021 Solh31D · 1

Hey i like the write up and want to use this deck in a 2p game. Did you beat those scenario's in solo or with another hero?

Feb 03, 2021 L3w15 7 · 11162

@Solh31D Thanks, I beat them in solo. I actually think the deck would work even better in multiplayer though because there are likely to be more minions out for you to take advantage from defeating.

Feb 06, 2021 GLRob · 16

I'm trying to pair an Ant-Man deck with this one. Any suggestions as which aspect to run for him?

Feb 06, 2021 L3w15 7 · 11162


I would say justice would be the obvious pair to go with this deck because it is a little weak on thwarting. Ant man works particularly well with justice anyway because of cards like lay of the law.

Apr 19, 2021 PaulC · 1

Thanks I'm gonna build this deck to take down Zola

Jul 21, 2022 Flyjughead · 1

Love the deck! But no surprise there considering how much fun your Turbo Scarlet Witch & Build a Hulk decks are.

I found I needed some help with thwarting tho’, so I subbed out Swarm Tactics with “You’ll Pay for That!” x2. Since Wasp doesn’t have a lot of damage prevention abilities anyway, it allowed me some extra thwarting options when no minions are in play to take advantage of Into the Fray or Chase them Down.

In any case, great stuff as always and thanks for sharing the deck! :)

Jul 21, 2022 L3w15 7 · 11162

@Flyjughead Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

If you're lacking in thwart options, I would consider trying Looking for Trouble out. It wasn't out yet when I designed this deck, but it really helps with the deck since so many of the cards rely on there being a minion in play.