Solo Champions League - Season 4, Round 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Genosha Games · 60

This deck was designed for Round 2 in Season 4 of the Solo Champions League competitive series. The challenge for this week was:

Villain: Wrecking Crew (Standard)
Hero: Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, or Ant-Man
Aspect: Justice

Spider-Man is a solid pick for going solo against the Wrecking Crew. He has a strong defense, good attack cards, and lots of value in his signature pool.

You can see the deck played out in Game 1 here:

After looking at the various abilities of the Wrecking Crew villains and side schemes, it became clear that allies were quite nerfed in this scenario. I only included Jessica Jones because her +1 THW per side scheme ability is OP here. She can swing for 5 THW if you get her out early.

Defending is also valued when you go against Wrecker, which is not a problem for Spidey. He has 3 DEF and draws a card, plus he has other ways to mitigate damage, like Backflip. We have Endurance here to keep him in hero mode longer. If he gets too banged up, then he can always go home for some milk and cookies with Aunt May. I had Spidey defending most of the time anyway, regardless of who was the active villain.

Since we weren't depending on allies or hero punches, I leaned more into damage cards. Spidey already has the fantastic Swinging Web Kick, so I added Stealth Strike, Haymaker, and Concussive Blow to keep him dealing damage every turn.

For threat control, we've got For Justice! and Beat Cop. Try to finish off each villain with a Stealth Strike for extra value. Under Surveillance was there for extra insurance, along with Heroic Intuition, but they were never actually needed as long as you carefully manage the threat distribution through other means.

We have plenty of resources with The Power of Justice and a Quincarrier helps us hit those kickers on For Justice! and Concussive Blow.

For revisions, I would say that you could easily switch out Heroic Intuition and Under Surveillance for anything you feel better matches your playstyle or personal strategy. Other than that, the deck is solid and it stands up well against the Wrecking Crew on standard, which was the goal of the challenge.