He's A Friend From Work (MCU Themed)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 428

This is a thematic build meant to recreate the feeling of Thor in the MCU movie Ragnarok. If you want a more challenging and flavorful game, I hope you like this deck.

With the exception of Lady Sif, these are characters he works with in that movie. His trusted Heimdall, his new frenemy Valkyrie, and his friend from work Hulk.

Thor has suddenly forgot his royal education, so he can't use Genius. He's been focusing on Enhansing his Physiqueinstead.

The low science count gives you a great chance to have Hulk make several attacks. Plus, 4 of your 7 science cards remain on the board once played. That makes the most likely thing to take out your Hulk a Lightning Strike, which seems fitting since that's how Thor defeats "the Champion" in the arena.

At one point, I'd cut the Get Over Here!, but Thor is going to take on as many minions as he can... cause that's what heroes do!