Q: Can I use Get Over Here! to re-engage with a minion that I am already engaged with?
A: You cannot engage an enemy that is already engaged with you. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)
Azione Eroe (attacco): Infliggi 1 danno a un gregario. Se possiedi il tratto Aereo, impegna quel nemico.
Q: Can I use Get Over Here! to re-engage with a minion that I am already engaged with?
A: You cannot engage an enemy that is already engaged with you. -(Developer Ruling, Hall of Heroes)
I feel like this is one of the worst cards in the game, even for Thor, with the ruling that you can't re-engage an enemy that is already engaged with you. That ruling makes the card basically useless in single player and it's so situational in a multiplayer game that often times you're just trading a card for 1 damage on a minion if you're not pitching it for resources. Everything about the card is too situational. There has to be a minion in play, you have to have aerial, and you need the minion to be engaged with someone else for the card to have any sort of value as the 1 damage on the card is negligible unless you need to pop a tough status card; and, Aggression already has Piercing Strike which fills that role better.