Ant-Man Jolly Green Giant

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ant-Man Jolly Green Giant 0 0 0 1.0

AlwaysAngryJay · 905

Looking for a list to turn Ant-Man into a lean green fighting machine? Feel a need to get huge and cover your friend from harm? Looking for a deck that can still flex its muscles and deal damage when it counts? Then the Giant Green Giant has you and your teammates covered!

With the sustain of Ant-Man's Helmet, Pym Particles, and Momentum Shift along with your beefy defense stats on both of your Hero forms, Ant-Man has some serious longevity and rarely needs to flip to AE.

One of Ant-Mans main strengths is his incredible versatility where he can still Thwart and Attack with the best of them, even in Protection. While some heroes can feel less helpful without buffing their stats, Ant-Man brings 2 solid statlines to help stem the tide of the Villain along with his handy form changing responses.

What's especially potent for protections is his 2 in Tiny and 3 in Giant Defense stats which without support is great already but with an Armored Vest can stave off an awful lot of punishment. Combined with Desperate Defense and Energy Barrier it will be extremely easy to trigger Unflappable.

With both Unflappable and Ant-Man's Helmet you can safely stay in Giant Form and still fill your hand so you don't ever feel behind.

Your ally suite has Clea for reliable blocking, Brother Voodoo, War Machine, and Wasp with the Avengers trait to synergize with Earth's Mightiest Heroes to get extra Attacks from Giant Strength or extra Thwarts in Tiny form in a pinch. This is one of my favorite card combos with Ant-Man as it becomes easy to smash for 10 damage without dealing any damage to your allies.

Quincarrier may shine more in other aspects with more specific resource needs but it helps you reliably trigger Wrist Gauntlets. If this slot is contested in your playgroup consider another Team-Building Exercise or Genius.

Since most of the cards in this deck are inexpensive it felt hard justifying The Power of Protection but with it being wild it also works well for activating Wrist Gauntlets so that is still a solid option.

As always do your best to keep track of your Care for Cassie Obligation before defending too heavily and getting caught exhausted when its revealed. Until then use your sustain to try and keep yourself standing as the sooner you can remove your obligation the better, then defend any and all attacks you can and worry about damage when the villains health becomes low. You offer so much defense there is no reason to waste it.

Overall this is a reliable list to help your teammates shine and shrug off big damage, while also being able to deal out some serious damage yourself. I really hope you enjoy the list and feel free to ask any questions below!