This Tech Is Giving Me Fitz

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 2359

Rocket loves his tech but finding the right pieces at the right time has been giving him fits.

Now we have Leo Fitz to help alleviate our fits! This deck focuses on getting Fitz into play for us to grab a tech upgrade in AE. You may be asking yourself why Justice when we could go Protection and do the whole repurpose thing grabbing tech cards. Love that type of deck but we're going with Justice because of the plethora of confuse options which will allows us to safely flip to AE. Steady villains won't be a problem with all the confuse we've got going on.

The Setup:

Getting setup we want to get Fitz into play so we have a reliable way of grabbing tech cards in AE.

The crown jewel is getting Sonic Rifle into play. This allows us to confuse the villain safely flip to AE reliably. With Battery Pack, we can add counters to Sonic Rifle to keep it "charged" for a consistent confuse all game long.

Side Holster is even more important in this deck as Sonic Rifle will take up a restricted slot.

Any of his tech upgrades can grabbed by Fitz as well. For damage we want the Particle Cannon and Rocket Launcher.

Float Like a Butterfly gives +1 damage to a confused enemy. Rocket is uniquely able to take advantage of this as his plethora of weapons can each do this once per turn.

Rocket is going to be doing a lot of thwarting in this deck so getting his Thruster Boots into play is a priority.

His Cybernetic Skeleton gives +3 health and boosts him to 2 Attack as well.

Chamber is here to take advantage of our consistently confused enemies and never take consequential damage! With float out, he can reliably punch for 3 also.

Ingenuity and Helicarrier are here to help manage paying for things. Ingenuity is especially great for Moon Girl.

Face the Past is a great way to accelerate setup as Rockets nemesis only has 3 hp and one tap from a particle cannon can erase him or any combination of his basic attack and a weapon upgrade.

The Strategy:

The strategy to this deck is to really lean into what Rocket does best which is playing his tech cards, tinkering for more card draw and using weapons to deal large amounts of damage to confused enemies.

The 2 main tech upgrades we want to keep in play are the Sonic Rifle and Particle Cannon. We can keep them out by consistently using Battery Pack to move counters to them.

Once we're setup with upgrades and supports out, pur deck will be pretty thin and there is a lot of card draw coming from both AE and hero form.

In AE, we have our tinker ability which we will hope to trigger every turn or so. We can also play Moon Girl here who let's you draw cards based on the number of resources you paid for her. We also have Fitz who can grab us a tech card, if you already have the tech cards you want this is just an extra resource.

Don't worry about dumping it, we have Salvage to recoup it and the deck cycles really quick so we'll see it again.

In hero form, we'll draw a card for dealing excess damage to an enemy which in minion heavy scenarios will be quite a bit given our plethora of weapon upgrades.

A hero turn will typically look something like this. Use Sonic Rifle confuse the villain. Now Chamber can Attack for 3, Particle Cannon hits for 5 and Rocket Launcher hits for 3. With Drax out he will hit the villain for 4 comboing with Float.

Use Battery pack to add a counter to Sonic Rifle or Particle Cannon.

Play Reload if you have one to hit the villain again with our upgrades for more damage.

Rocket can thwart with Making an Entrance to clear the threat and heal 2 damage. You can also use I've Got a Plan in combo with this to clear large amounts of threat plus get a ready.

If there isn't any threat for Rocket to clear, attack with Upside the Head to stun the villain also giving another free turn. Not only that his basic attack will be 3 with his skeleton and Float out.

With the villain confused flip down safely.

On our next turn we can use the last battery pack counter. Use Fitz to grab a tech upgrade (preferably our other battery pack) and then tinker our battery pack in play. This gives us a 9 card hand to start. If we have Moon Girl we use Ingenuity and our many mental resources to potentially draw 2 or 3 cards. This works especially great with Salvage as you can grab the tinkered battery pack from discard just for Moon Girl to draw it!

The Crew:

Chamber brings a reliable ally who can punch the villain for 3 and not take consequential damage due to the steady stream of confuses.

Drax can only attack the villain but that's fine. Any minions will be dealt with by Rocket's upgrades to generate card draw freeing up Drax to punch the villain.

Moon Girl provides really good card draw and has 2/2 stats. She can punch for 3 against confused enemies.

Nick Fury is to help accelerate setup and later game to allow for huge turns with the card draw.

Professor X brings confuse which is nice for turns where we don't have battery pack and want to save a counter on Sonic Rifle.

Dazzler is here for the same reason as Prof but also provides really solid attack/thwart. Again can punch for 3 on confused enemies.

Overall this deck has been a ton of fun and it really let's you lean into what makes Rocket unique. He loves his tech and his new BFF Fitz allows him to tinker all day.

I'd love to hear any feedback or experiences with the deck!


Mar 22, 2025 Meck71 · 79

This is a fun one. You could probably clone this for Iron Man, maybe lose Making an Entrance for Jemma Simmons and a meditate/digging deep or something close to it. I think those two new shield supports really flushed out the tech stuff. Iron Man is gonna love Prism Dust and the incoming 0-Cost Protection shield i can't remember the name of. The early-game acceleration could be helpful

Mar 22, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 2359

@Meck71 thanks for checking it out, glad it piqued your interest! I actually had Meditation in here at the start to accelerate setup but it lost value as the games went on and got replaced. I definitely agree that it could be cloned for iron man, I've got a few other tech based heroes I want to try it with.

Mar 22, 2025 Meck71 · 79

Yeah, I thought of meditation because Iron man needs the acceleration a bit more than Rocket does(in my opinion). Jemma, for iron man, also activates rocket boots, so that's something to think about.

all of a sudden, Stark Tower can find some viability in late game multiplayer and justice decks grabbing prism dusts lol

Mar 23, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 2359

@Meck71 definitely agree on Jemma with Iron Man. I really like that idea of using stark tower for prism dust

Mar 26, 2025 GrrttSyl · 1

Is this solo only or would this deck work for multiplayer?

Mar 26, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 2359

@GrrttSyl I have only played it solo but I think that it could work in multi-player.