Bishop and his Boys

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TreeTopTKM · 2

Randall & Malcolm let us kick up our feet and have them carry the whole game as part of the X-Force!

  • These two we're made to be Sidekicks, potentaily +3 total attack/thwart with Side-by-Side and 3 activations
  • But even more, Randall and Malcolm we're made to be part of the Uncanny X-Force, letting them activate and activate thwart for 5/4 with no cosequential damage TWICE, once we have them all suited up and ready with Children of the Atom, Danger Room Training and Inspired. (albiet only side schemes)

  • With Uncanny X-Force covering thwarting, I recomend making Malcolm your sidekick, to let him get the most out of the extra health!

  • Band Together works nicely too if we're going to have those two on the board constantly, and we can beef it up with New Recruits getting us to potentially 4 resouces before including the Triskelion.

  • Suit up is just a stable to get our two heros out earlier, and access all our upgrades

  • Game Time is just another ready we can throw in and is nice and cheep!

I've thrown in Deadpool and Cyclops in too.

Now, there are alot of cards within this deck, but since Strength In Numbers and Face the Past act as draw, we've only got 42 in reality, which with bisops knack for discarding, anit the worst

(I haven't tested this deck, and may be too slow for setup, so let me know if this actually works!)