Card draw simulator
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madl3r · 17
Peter Parker is a versatile offensive hero that can very easily take charge of the fight, but what if he was tasked with leading the Avengers?
Spider-Man is typically paired with the Justice aspect to shore up his weakness of dealing with Threat, but he fits surprisingly well into the Leadership archetype due to the strong allies available to you. But, because Spider-Man isn’t great at managing threat on his own, you’ll want to stay in Hero form as much as possible, unless you have your allies in play.
Thankfully, this deck revolves around building a massive board of Avengers allies to deal with any situation thrown at you. Cards like Avengers Tower and The Triskelion let you play up to five Avengers to your board at a time! And, Quinjet is a great way to get some of your expensive allies into the fight if you’re patient enough.
Allies like Falcon can help remove threat, or add some extra firepower when needed. Vision can utilize a resource to add +2 to its THW or ATK until the end of the round. Goliath can manage the Main Scheme and Side Scheme(s) for a few turns before leaving with a massive 5 damage ATK.
Attaching Inspired to any of your allies permanently boosts their THW and ATK by 1, allowing them to be more effective while in play. Playing Strength In Numbers is a quick way to fill your hand by exhausting any number of allies before playing Get Ready to get them back into the fight. A well-timed Avengers Assemble! can be used as an explosive finisher to quickly rush down any Villain.
But, Spidey isn’t all about allies. He’s also got some great tools in his kit to mitigate damage such as Backflip and Webbed Up, which effectively delays the Villain’s attacks for two rounds. Swinging Web Kick is a great attack card that deals 8 damage for 3 resources and can be used to chunk down the Villain’s health.
So, is Spider-Man up to the task to lead the Avengers? You’ll have to play and find out.
Avengers Tower for the ally boost may not be needed in the deck because you only have a total of 5 avengers in your deck (Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Black Cat are not Avengers). For alternative cost reduction, Quincarrier/Helicarrier could be a better option for you. Perhaps even Ingenuity if you have that card available to you.