Valkyrie - For Whom The Bell Tolls

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

King_Rohan88 · 15

One of the first decks I had ever really made myself, I built this one at the time for an event I was running against Green Goblin/Mutagen Formula. I wanted to make a deck that could deal with heavier minions instead of just poking the smaller ones. I feel some tweaks could still be made, especially in the ally department but those were mostly meant to just be thematic more then anything aside from Spider-Girl who was there due to the status effects. I'd happily consider any recommendations on changes, I have all the cards and would love any tips on how to get better at deckbuilding.


Jan 19, 2025 Starlordxx · 224

I could write a full document about individual cards, but I'd rather keep this response shorter due to needing to leave soon.

Themes that are easy to include: Asgard, targeting minions with attachments,

Themes that are difficult to include: Getting bonus damage by paying for attacks using mental resources in a deck full of non-mental resources.

On top of that, with Death-Glow in her hero cards, you could replace 3x Suppressing Fire with 3X Godlike Stamina

You could also replace "Bring It!", Boot Camp, and Hall of Heroes with Avengers Mansion, Quincarrier, and with the "Multiplayer" tag visible Helicarrier.

This should improve consistency of card draw, life gain, and resources for yourself and others.

Jan 19, 2025 King_Rohan88 · 15

Thank you @Starlordxx, Honed Technique can definitely go, it didn't work like you said cause I wasn't paying enough attention to resourses. Despite having everything I haven't played as the Asgardian much and while Suppressing Fire seemed cool on concept Godlike Stamina does the same thing so much easier. Boot Camp was more to help out others on the table if they were struggling with something. "Bring It!" & Hall of Heroes were in there cause at the time I felt like I'd get decent use of them in the specific scenario I was in. I got good use out of them, but I absolutely see how swapping those with the Mansion & Carriers would help the deck overall especially if I pull them early. Thanks again for the advice, I really appreciate it.