Captain Marvel - Maximum Cardage

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SprengerMon · 14

Here is a road map to getting to draw 30 cards with Captain Marvel. This requires a little setup and some card luck but I think it is doable. This example has 8 Cards on the table at the start of your turn and nothing in your discard pile.

From my understanding of Allies, when you put one into play that puts you over the limit, you must discard one immediately however Nick Fury's forced response still triggers before you have to discard an ally. This allow you to discard Fury in order to bring him back into play with Make the Call

It is really important that when your deck gets low on cards that if you use Fury, like in my example, you must have 2 or fewer cards. That way your deck gets reshuffled during his card draw response and he still ends up in your discard pile instead of getting shuffled back into the deck.

I find that using Captain Marvel's hero action to draw one card as a great way to help with getting the deck to be reshuffled at the right time.

Take note that this example is a perfect storm in a vaccum but hopefully it will help navigate during an actual game.

Board State:

Player Turn Start

Card Name/Action.....CIH| DT| U| T| D| Cost
Carol Danvers....................6| 0| 14| 0| 26|
Alter-Ego Action.................7| 1| 15| 0| 25|
Alpha FS Action (AE)..........8| 3| 17| 1| 23|
Mansion Action..................9| 4| 18| 1| 22|
P: Maria Hill........................8| 5| 19| 2| 21| Helicarrier Action & Discard 1
P: Strength in Numbers....11| 9| 23| 3| 17| 0 Cost
P: Honoray Avenger (MH)..10| 9| 23| 3| 17| 0 Cost
P: Avengers Assemble.......7| 9| 23| 6| 17| 4 Cost ( 2 Cards - Strength, Genius)
P: Strength in Numbers.....10| 13| 27| 7| 13| 0 Cost
P: Avengers Assemble.......7| 13| 27| 10| 13| 4 Cost ( 2 Cards - Energy Absorb +1)
P: Strength in Numbers....10| 17| 31| 11| 9|
P: Nick Fury........................12| 20| 34| 14| 6| 4 Cost (2 Cards - Energy Absorb +1) +
P: Make the Call & NF...........11| 23| 37| 18| 3| 4 Cost (3 Cards - Energy +2) +

Flip to Captain Marvel......11| 23| 37| 18| 3|
Hero Action........................12| 24| 38| 18| 2| Energy Channel
P: Make the Call & NF.........10| 27| 19| 1| 21| 4 Cost ( 4 Cards) - Reshuffle +
P: Make the Call & NF...........8| 30| 16| 5| 18| 4 Cost ( 4 Cards) +

+Fury is immediately discard after his forced reponse triggers

  • CIH - Cards in Hand
  • DT - Draw Total
  • U - Cards out of deck
  • T - Discard Pile
  • D - Cards in Deck
  • Cost
  • P: Play Card