Card draw simulator
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Goatzilla · 274
I mostly play Ms Marvel in justice because there are so many cards that synergizes with her kit. But Sometimes, you need her to be kicking some asses. Here's a deck focused on that.
This deck offers some threat control, lots of damage dealing and some healing when necessary. A couple of meat shields with some advantages makes this deck a well rounded plan to take out villains.
Honed Technique with Embiggen! simply rocks. I mean, look at those numbers right here:
- Melee = 2x 8 (3+3+2)
- Into the Fray = 11 (6+3+2), so lots of threat to be removed
- One by One = 2x 5 (2+1+2), for a printed cost of 1!
More combos:
- Multitalented will easily deal 4 damages, remove 4 threats and heal for 2, every time. Worth the cost if you ask me!
- With all those multi-hit cards, Hall of Heroes will pay off often! And Looking for Trouble is great for two things : Summon allies so can can kick their asses and remove 5 threats with the help of Shrink. Same goes for Angela.