Card draw simulator
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Lockdown -- Venom Stun Aggression | 312 | 254 | 22 | 1.0 |
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Suzaku0089 · 26
This deck is modified based off of the popular "Lockdown -- Venom Stun Aggression" made by user Saan, with a couple of my own personal twists built into it. It circles around Venom's basic attack in hero form, which does at least 7 damage a turn with both Venom's Pistol's, Multi-Gun and Combat Training. Consistently doing a decent amount of variable damage each turn you'll defeat the main villain at a steady pace. However, this is a fast "kill or be killed" kinda deck as it basically has ZERO THW potential(2 THW from multi-gun can help in some specific scenarios though), so get your main engine cards built and dish out that damage before the boss can get a stranglehold on you. Hopefully you play with some friends that enjoy THW decks! The deck does great solo too if that's more your thing, as solo modifiers make most bosses die within a few turns if you set your cards up right, keeping the main villain or your target of choice stunned allowing you to just camp Hero form.
This deck is pretty fluid and flexible thanks to the high counts of and in the deck so you can pay for important or specific cards when they come up(such as Drop Kick, more on that later), so ideally you want your 3 weapons out and equipped as fast as possible, 2x Venom's Pistol and Multi-Gun. Thankfully Flash Thompson's setup allows you to find the first one in your deck for free at the cost of discards. Venom's Locked and Loaded also lets you find another one of your toys in your deck for a whopping 0 cost. Fitting Combat Training somewhere in there is also core to getting your engine up and running, as that +1 damage really adds up over time, but your weapons take priority over it.
Helicarrier and Martial Prowess are two very big cards that pay for themselves and then some the moment you get them on the field, helping reduce costs to get other power packing cards in play. Helicarrier being the most important of the two as it can be played as -1 cost for anything, making the deck flow quite nicely. Remember you can only use Martial Prowess for an attack type event, limiting it's effectiveness to only Drop Kick and Savage Attack, but you'll be thankful it's out on the board when those expensive cards pop up in your hand.
Card Combos
With C.I.T.T. on your board, if you have any of the following 2 combinations of Helicarrier and/or tap Venom's ability and/or 1 additional energy from elsewhere(x2 if you don't have the previous 2 cards), you can easily ready him up again for another go around. Sure you won't have your weapons available but extra damage is extra damage, bringing up that 7HP+ per turn to 10HP+ per turn so long as you can consistently pay the cost. If you have in your hand and can manage to also pay for Run and Gun in the same turn, that 7HP+ becomes 14HP+ whenever you're able to do so plus any modifiers such as Mean Swing or Skilled Strike.
Mean Swing and Skilled Strike basically do the same thing (tap one pistol for +3, for a +2 total damage attack, or just adding a flat +2 to your attack respectively), they just up the consistent damage you do while also being able to be paid as for Drop Kick if needed, or just energy in general to get other important cards out on the field first.
Drop Kick Is a nifty card that can be paid for for free using a combination of Venom's Symbiotic bond ability generating a , Helicarrier and Martial Prowess, making a 3 cost card cost "nothing" while also allowing you to draw another card, leaving your hand with the same number of cards you had before playing it.
This deck focuses mainly on dealing damage so your defensive options are slim. Project Rebirth 2.0 is great if you're forced into alter ego form due to a Struggle for Control obligation or a villains encounter deck. It heals Flash by 3, which is only 1 lower than his base REC stat, allowing you to heal and flip back into Hero mode without having to tap him, allowing you to strike while keeping yourself decently topped.
Grasping Tendrils is a pretty neat card if you can pay its cost, allowing you to not take damage that turn AND stunning the boss, allowing the next hero in line (or yourself if solo) to not take damage when it's their turn. Remember you can help pay for it with Venom's Symbiotic bond! you can use the ability once during both hero AND villain phase.
Endurance gives you +3 HP, allowing you a little extra staying power, as we don't want to be in alter-ego unless we absolutely have to or are forced to. It's also incredibly cheap at 1 cost, meaning your deck doesn't slow down or come to a halt because you had to pay for it to get on the board. You can even get it for "free" using Venom's Symbiotic bond! You do have to take away 1 hp to do so though, so use it at your own risk or if you're confident playing your cards right!
Allies in the deck are just nice to have even though they're not a priority, but they can take the hits for you so you can stay in hero form longer. Bug is great since he heals 1 whenever you would attack (tap him first, then yourself), effectively making him a toughness breaker or just squeezing out just that 1 damage to any target you need it to go to while keeping him consistently on the field. Rocket Raccoon is great for dealing with minions you don't wanna bother with as he gets 4 ATK fighting them, and the overkill is nice too with low HP minions to throw even more extra damage on the main villain. Mockingbird stuns an enemy of your choice, useful helping out the first player in order that's in hero form to not take any damage during villain phase, and Spider-Man has that extra oomph when he's out to help deal that damage. These guys can all be paid as energy for getting more important cards out on the field sooner.
I hope you like the deck! Again most of the credit goes to Saan for making the meat of this deck, I just tweaked the bones a little bit. Always down for criticisms if you find better ways to make the deck flow better! Happy villain bashing!