Nightcrawler: Aggressive leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Goatzilla · 133

This deck's mechanic is based on three of things:


Since this deck doesn't have a lot of thwarting power, you need to focus on that since the rest will play itself naturally. With the ally count + Boot Camp, Looking for Trouble will thwart for 3 in exchange for a minion that you team will crush in no time. Shadowcat, Professor X, Gambit and Daytripper will be thwarting when necessary. Beak is powerful in this deck since his ability works for it's full potential most times.

  • Team-Building Exercise are really important in this deck because you have 13 cards with the x-men trait and 8 superpower cards. Once you have 2-3 Team-Building Exercise in play, try to play 1-2 allies per turn. Once you have Prehensile Tail and Deft Focus in play, events will be played for cheap as well. This makes this deck maximize your effective resource potential to it's fullest.

  • Boot Camp is powerful in this deck since it gives you an extra 2-3 DMG per turn. Double that when playing team strike. I prefer playing it after a first deck reshuffle because of it's high cost.

  • Shark-Girl and Glob can shine beautifully in this deck because of Bamf!, Boot Camp and team strike.

  • Team strike (with the help of Boot Camp) will hit for around 11 DMG every time. (You can go up to 13 with W, C and another 2 ATK ally).

  • Hall of Heroes didn't make the first cut when playing this deck. I knew that minions were decimated almost instantly, but Kurt doesn't need to switch to alter-ego that often. I've added this card because I've come to realize it gets crazy synergy in combo with 'Port Away. Here's the deal:

    • After a couple of rounds, you'll eventually have to REC. Wait until you have 'Port Away and:
    • switch to alter-ego;
    • REC/draw;
    • use Hall of Heroes;
    • use Kurt's action to tutor a Bamf!;
    • play 'Port Away to switch and ready.
    • Let's recap: REC for 4, draw 4, switch back to hero form and ready... for 1 ER!

      I've been playing Nightcrawler a bit now and I must say, he's quickly crawling up in my favorite heroes to play. I hope you enjoy this deck! Leave a like or a comment to let me know what you think, I love feedback!