Star-Lord Digs Deep

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Marvel Chumpions · 168

I will get the encounter card anyway, I might as well do it on my terms.

To start, we at Marvel Chumpion pod must admit that we don't like Star-Lord. We have never been big fans of the big risk, big reward gameplay. With that said, this deck has been really fun to make and play, and we have to share it. We are not going to say this deck will defeat the strongest villain at Expert Mode extreme edition, but this deck has been strong, and most importantly, you feel like you are zipping around the battlefield saving the day.

To sum up the deck -> Play Call for Aid, then no Avengers come to help... wait, except for White Fox... That's it? Well, I guess you are Digging Deep for a miracle (get it?). Thats it.

Deck Overview

To break it down further, the deck wants to get Call for Aid and play it to deck out. You will get an encounter card true, but you will also get White Fox out in play and gain x3 Digging Deep if all goes well. By playing one card, you are gaining 4. That is a pretty good swing. Star-Lord's alter-ego ability also helps get one of those 4 cards back into your deck if you have one in your hand to hopefully draw it after playing Call for Aid. This is mostly useful at the beginning of the game with your opening hand. All the other cards are just to help Star-Lord not shoot himself in the foot.


Beast - Solid ally that can get you resources back to pay for the high-cost stuff in your deck.

Major Victory - Way to ready and cheap.

Maria Hill - Great to draw a card and have good THW

Nick Fury - It's Nick, he is a pretty solid ally.

Nova Prime - I'm not the biggest fan of this ally, but he has ended up being pretty helpful in this deck.

Professor X - Way to confuse and help thwart.

White Fox - Main aspect in this deck. Maybe not the strongest, but still very helpful in the combo above.

"Welcome Aboard" - Way to help pay for the allies. Helps prevent Star-Lord's Hero ability to not gain extra encounter cards if you don't want them.

Call for Aid - Key for this deck. Use one to get White Fox and Digging Deep and use another to reset the deck for you to do it again.

Daring Escape - I'm not a big fan of this card unless I really need it. When I'm feeling... daring...

Directed Force - Great when paired with Element Gun

Eternity - This can be removed if you don't like it, but it is appealing to me to have a friend in the encounter deck even if it might be rare.

Gutsy Move - Thwart card is ok.

Sliding Shot - Nice to have.

Call for Backup - Great way to get out Nick Fury, Beast, or whatever Ally you need at the moment.

Superpower Training - Very helpful to get the upgrade you need. Priority is Star-Lord's Helmet, then Element Gun or Leader of the Guardians.

Band Together - This can be helpful since you will have at least 1 ally out but could be removed if you want to get rid of a card. I have found that it is often helpful, but might not be for everyone.

Digging Deep - This card is central to the deck and great to add fuel to your Call for Aid engine.

Energy, Genius, Strength - High-cost cards in this deck so very helpful to pay for things.

Avengers Mansion - I've gone back and forth on this card in the deck but I've put it in for now. When I get it out, it is very helpful. Take it or leave it.

Bad Boy - I don't like the cost, but it is a helpful card for Star-Lord.

Knowhere - Since everybody is a Guardian, you might as well play it.

Regroup - I have found this card very helpful for Star-Lord's survivability, especially with Nick Fury.


Go have fun. There are cards you can adjust here and there, but this deck has brought Star-Lord back into my play rotation because of how fun I've had with it. Getting the Call for Aid combo off at max benefit is super satisfying and a game changer. I've used this deck to take out some tough enemies and it has conquered all. Best of luck!