Part of the (X) Family

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Rey Plays Games · 186

Jubilee Has Found Her Family

Here's a Jubilee deck that leans on both Jubilee's need for defensive support (in the form of allies here), as well as making most of her hero upgrades.

Jubilee's Team Members - Here To Help

As Jubilee has very little by way of defending herself (she is, after all, just a normal kid...not a warrior like Wolverine or Psylocke) she needs help from her family! Seven allies are included here but they are all more than just chump blockers - there are opportunities to keep some around for their Responses/Actions.

Triage is cheap and can be very much just a chump blocker as his response is a one off heal 2 damage to a team member. Handy to heal Jubilee if needed, but after that and a simple attack or thwart, you can rely on Chris to block for you;

Forge is another cheap ally that can block for you but not before he can search an X-Men support card for you to either play it or use as an extra resource for your hand;

Professor X is an easy include...after all, he's the mentor to Jubilee! His 3THWT is always good, and he has the ability to confuse the villain, stun a minion, or his third forced response is particularly nice for Jubilee as it readies her (or any X-Men character)...and considering Jubilee exhausts to generate a resource...or if you've exhausted her to thwart off Shopping's handy for her to stand up again to either generate another resource, attack or thwart;

Legion is in this deck as he can really play off Jubilee's Plasmoid Energy and it's worth considering to keep him around as his response is ongoing. If you draw Plasmoid Energy, Legion now can trigger two of his responses, making him a powerful consider using X-Mansion to heal him when Jubilee flips down;

I've chosen Banshee over say, Dazzler due to again his ongoing response of confusing a minion which can be handy. With 2/2 stats, he's also handy to keep around;

Bishop is a good thwarter and has the ability to charge up every time Jubilee if you happen to hang onto him and if by any chance you use Jubilee to defend a few times, Bishop can thwart for you and attack for up to 6ATK. At a pinch, if it is between Bishop and Banshee, I'd use Bishop to chump block.

Make the Most of Jubilee's Upgrades

Jubilee's Sunglasses and Jubilee's Coat are very powerful if you can get them to reach their full potential. I've ensured the deck is evenly spread with physical, mental and energy resources so hopefully you get that diversity in resources when you pay for events, to get the additional thwart and attack from the Upgrades.

Multitalented is a given (of its worth if you get to pay it with all three different resources) as it will give an additional 3THWT and 3ATK in combination with Jubilee's upgrades;

I chose For Justice! over Multitasking as it has a cost of 2...meaning you can potentially thwart 4 off the event, then another 2 from Jubilee's Coat. Multitasking will give you the ability to spread your thwart across schemes, so consider what sort of scenario you play and if it's scheme heavy or not. Multitasking would be a good supplement if thats the case.

Concussive Blow is the additional attack event for Jubilee but it also has the added bonus of confusing an enemy...3 damage, and again a possible additional 3 damage using Jubilee's Sunglasses...

Extra Cover

Build Support helps with gaining any one of the super useful supports, so it's recommended to get this out as soon as you can.

In addition to getting one of the supports, it allows you to use Predictable Ploy which is important to mitigate any additional enemy attacks or other nasties that could disrupt Jubilee's progress wheb you draw that encounter card.

X-Men Supports

All of the supports included are very useful and should be played as soon as you have a chance. The least important would be Team-Building Exercise, but having said that, it makes playing allies, Utopia and X-Mansion easier. As Jubilee likes to flip down frequently, Moira MacTaggert becomes quite valuable in that you are guaranteed a card draw every other turn; Utopia adds an additional ally and a readying ability which similar to Professor X is very useful to have an ally activate again before chump blocking, or for Jubilee to ready up and attack/thwart; X-Mansion keeps your allies around by healing one of them whenever Jubilee flips down. Heal Banshee, Legion or Bishop ...don't worry about Forge, Professor X or #Triage...and Jubilee's signature ally Wolverine heals himself anyway...

Hiding in Plain Sight

No one ever suspects a mall rat to be a superhero, do they? Jubilee has that advantage of being an unconventional superhero that so many villains overlook and underestimate. This is highlighted with one of the cool more recent cards, Disguise. Play this card to easily complete Shopping Spree, or use it to keep threat down whilst you yourself have flipped down.

Finally, Endurance has been added to boost Jubilee's modest hp, Ready to Rumble seemed an obvious choice as there are so many options now for Jubilee to exhaust in alter-ego. Ready to Rumble ensures you aren't neutered before you've even flipped to hero form. Skilled Investigator plays into Jubilee's strong thwarting ability and as insurance against Caught Off easy upgrade to relinquish, compared to the others which you'd not want to give up.