Captain America - Fluid Motion Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Moby · 4890

Captain America might be the best hero in the game for Fluid Motion with his built-in readying ability, "I can do this all day!". I have found this deck to be strong, extremely consistent, and fun to play.


This deck has a cheap and simple setup.

During the first few turns, your goal is to get at least two resource generators (Super-Soldier Serum, Quincarrier, Martial Prowess) and at least two copies of Fluid Motion into play. Then you are ready to go.

An example turn looks like this: Use your resource generators to play two or three cheap attack events to trigger multiple copies of Fluid Motion. Captain America will now have +2 or +3 to his ATK stat. Basic attack for 4 or 5 damage, discard one of the remaining cards in your hand to trigger "I can do this all day", then attack again. That is 8-10 damage right there, not even including the damage from the attack events you played this turn.

The villain will crumble quickly and you can smack down even the beefiest minions with ease.

Deck Construction

The attack events in this deck are cheap. Their purpose is to trigger Fluid Motion, so don't worry about triggering their individual card effects. If you can line those up, then even better. With Fluid Motion and "I can do this all day!", a cheap 2 damage attack event effectively becomes a 4 damage attack.

  1. Clobber - A repeatable attack that partially refunds itself. One of these in your hand garauntees two Fluid Motion triggers.
  2. One by One - A cheap attack event that can help spread damage around. Easier to trigger in multiplayer.
  3. Precision Strike - A cheap attack event that provides some sustainability if you can get it to trigger.
  4. Press the Advantage - A cheap attack event that can occasionally refund itself. Easier to trigger in multiplayer.
  5. Allies - There are enough allies in Marvel Champions now that you can pretty much tune the ally slots how you prefer, depending on scenario or what you have available. In solo, you want more focus on thwarting. Bug is natural to this deck since you will be using your basic attack each turn. Angela can give you a target to trigger Precision Strike or One by One. But other than that, swap them out as you like.