Webbed Warden

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neopolii · 1


Designed to block all villain attacks in 2-player games and maximizes the time both players spends in Hero form. Can also reduce up to 3 threat per turn reliably once the board is fully developed.

Very useful as a partner for heroes that prefer staying in Hero form and lets them do anything they want by taking care of all the defense and thwarting for them.

Not as useful for heroes that relies on Alter-Ego abilities.

Can be played solo, but there are Spider-Man decks that does handles solo play better.


Takes advantage of Spider-Man's hero ability and Web-Shooter to keep the hand topped-up to use Event cards.

Spider-Man's 3 point defense stat and Backflip can help to trigger the no-damage taken clauses on events and to defend high damage attacks.

Swinging Web Kick's allows the deck to run no ATTACK cards whilst keeping some damage potential.

Aunt May maximizes heal and minimizes time Spider-Man spends in Alter-Ego form.


Mulligan for Unflappable, Never Back Down, Desperate Defense and Indomitable.

This deck should go first. Going first lets Spider-Man draw via the hero ability whilst preventing the second attack via Never Back Down. Going second means that the villain will not target Spider-Man due to the stun effect.

The main aim of every turn is to tactically use Never Back Down to stun the enemy during self-defense so that the next hero will not be attacked. Jocasta and Defensive Training can be used to get it back out from the discard pile.

Indomitable can be prepared on the board for turns where Never Back Down is not drawn in order to defend a teammate. Desperate Defense also lets Spider-Man defend twice a turn. Clea can also be used to block for Spider-Man, and Spider-Man can then defend the teammate normally.

Focus on using the DEFENSE basic action when possible. Use Nerves of Steel to pay for defensive events and Hard to Ignore to reduce threat whilst defending. Web-Shooter can be used instead when Nerves of Steel is not available.

Defending can provide small but reliable damage via Electrostatic Armor when using the DEFENSE basic action and Flow Like Water when using DEFENSE cards.