Ant-Man Antvengers Assemble!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Neokarasu · 165

Antvengers Assemble!

This is my standard Avengers Assemble! shell used with Ant-Man. The deck aims to field 4-5 Avenger allies, draw lots of cards with Strength In Numbers and then power out an Avengers Assemble! to do a lot of damage. The damage is further boosted by Mighty Avengers so even the allies with only 1 printed ATK will be hitting for 3 damage!

The rest of the deck are resource generators since allies are generally expensive and we want to play multiple every turn. Since the deck can also draw a lot of cards from Ant-Man's Helmet, Strength In Numbers, and Avengers Mansion, there will always be multiple things to play every turn. The from Quincarrier is also nice to be able to activate Wrist Gauntlets more often.

Ant-Man himself will be changing forms every turn, sometimes even multiple times. Once Ant-Man's Helmet is in play, it virtually eliminates the downside of having 4 hand size in Giant mode, but it's even better when you swap from Alter-Ego to Tiny instead for a 7 card hand. Wrist Gauntlets provides an on-demand Confuse to be able to swap to Alter-Ego safely.


  • Mulligan: look for Ant-Man's Helmet, Team-Building Exercise, Quincarrier, and Build Support. These all provide additional resources to build your board.
  • Early Game: setup your supports. The 1-cost allies (Blade, Stinger, Ant-Man) are nice to power out an early Strength In Numbers to help you setup. Ant-Man can afford to take some attacks directly thanks to incidental healing effects from Ant-Man's Helmet/Pym Particles so you want to keep your allies alive as long as possible.
  • Midgame: you should have 3-4 allies out powering out Strength In Numbers and clearing any minions/side schemes with the help of Mighty Avengers and your support/upgrades. Continue building up your allies and support/upgrades. The villain would have taken incidental damage just from Ant-man swapping to Giant here and there plus any ally activation. Avengers Assemble! can be used to catch up when you fall a bit behind on board control.
  • Endgame: finishing the game should be easy when everything is under control. Some villains have a particularly bad When Revealed effect so sometimes it's nice to be able to clear a whole stage before the villain phase.


  • It's possible to activate Giant Strength multiple times with 2 Resize to get 2 ATK each. Avengers Assemble! affects all Avenger characters not just allies so you can then ATK for 7, ready him, then ATK for 8. Add 2 activation of Giant Nuisance and that's 17 damage just from Ant-Man!
  • The deck has a lot of cards that stay in play so every time the discard pile gets reshuffled, it's pretty much going to be mostly events and resources which increases your chance of drawing 2 Resize in a turn.

Aug 16, 2024 Neokarasu · 165

Weekly Challenge 5 playthrough:

Sep 22, 2024 Gmarcg · 1

This deck looks fun. I can’t wait to try it out…what card do you chose for the specialization scheme?

Sep 22, 2024 Neokarasu · 165

@Gmarcg It's very flexible depending on the scenario. Ant-Man is pretty well rounded so get THW against threat heavy villains (Red Skull, Venom Goblin, En Sabah Nur, etc.), ATK against minion heavy villains (Klaw, Mutagen, Zola, etc.), and DEF against hard hitting villains (Ronan, Thanos, Juggernaut, etc.).