Avengers Nuke

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GarnyBear · 8

This deck can tap into insane damage using Storm's ability to ready back up combined with the +1 attack from Thunderstorm on her allies to nuke the villain, while utilizing Teamwork to keep your allies healthy. In a pinch, this can also provide a lot of burst thwarting, but nowhere near the amount of damage you can dish out.

For this deck to work properly, you need an Avengers hero to induct Storm into the Avengers with Honorary Avenger. There are likely ways to accomplish a similar thing keeping it in the X-Men tribe, but I wanted to see how much damage I could squeeze out of this.

Next, you need to crank up your allies damage as much as humanly possible. This is done in this deck in four ways:

  1. Mighty Avengers, giving all of your allies a flat +1/+1
  2. Storm's Thunderstorm card. Risky to keep out, but she can swap it in at the start of any turn she's ready to combo.
  3. Heroes that can increase their own power, like Power Man, Goliath, and Giant-Man.
  4. Inspired + Sky Cycle on your best ally. The best option to get sustained damage is Giant-Man, but if you're just trying to drop a nuke Power Man is a cheaper option and can allow you to have a single huge swing.

Once these are in place, there are two ways to cash out on your allies cranked up damage.

Option 1: Utilizing Teamwork along with Storm's Cape. If you have two Teamwork's in hand, you can easily squeeze out a 20 damage turn with a fully equipped Giant-Man while keeping him completely healthy. Even in suboptimal conditions, just having Ant-Man out with Sky Cycle attached is a risk free 14 damage or 10 thwarting.

Option 2: If your team can support you to set up, Mass Attack can produce insane damage. Especially if you can set up a turn where you Teamwork into Mass Attack, this can easily result in 30+ damage turns while still leaving your full board at the end.


Command Team would be a huge boon to this deck, and would be included 100% if I owned it.

This deck is primarily the result of me trying to make some cards that are frankly not very good, viable and fun (Mass Attack primarily). The deck would probably be better if you gutted some of those and focused more on consistency.

I desperately want Flying Formation to be good and I have it as a flex card if another character at the table is playing a rich hero like Captain Marvel. Can allow for the pipe dream OTK with multiple Teamwork triggers, then readying everyone back up (since Sky Cycle gives them Aerial) into a Mass Attack. Theoretical damage from a turn like this is 64 from ally and hero attacks.


Aug 04, 2024 Renatus · 8

The support "Mighty Avenger"and Quincarrier does not work because your hero is not "Avenger"

Aug 04, 2024 GarnyBear · 8

@Renatus You're correct, I mentioned it in the text but this deck requires multiplayer and an Avengers hero to play Honorary Avenger.

Aug 05, 2024 dr00 · 43744

also if your teammate is Aggression, they can give you a Boot Camp! looks really fun. love multiplayer-focused decks. we definitely need more of them :D

Aug 05, 2024 GarnyBear · 8

@dr00 Have definitely been trying to cook something up with an Aggression pairing to max the damage. Boot Camp and Combat Training played on Storm can increase the overall damage pretty significantly. Have been testing it with a Justice pairing since I'm a little concerned about the scheme getting away from you if you have one hero effectively doing nothing but setting up this expensive combo for the first half of the game.