Web Brawler

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

munkey8486 · 153

I put together this deck to be an option for introducing new players to the game. I tried to include a little bit of everything the game has, but to be pretty simple to navigate.

Spiderman comes built with some good interrupts and responses to use during the villain phase and some ways to help other players avoid some potentially nasty hits.

This deck will make use of Honed Technique to buff the damage of most of your attack events to do additional damage. Melee, Browbeat, and One by One all hit multiple times per use and will have their damage increased if you used a mind resource to pay for them. Ingenuity and the Web-Shooter will make this very easy to do. You also have a couple of Web-Warrior cards for some extra utility. Just keep up the pressure and the villain will fall soon enough.

Mulligan priority:

  1. Ingenuity, Quincarrier, or Web-Shooter
  2. Honed Technique
  3. Warrior of the Great Web or Web of Life and Destiny