Captain Marvel: Kree Militia Protection Suit

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Captain Marvel: Kree Protection Suit Mark IV 18 12 2 1.0
shells Captain Marvel (Protection) (Corebox only) 1 1 0 1.0
Captain Marvel: Kree Symbiotic Protection Suit 1 1 2 1.0

John Cumberland · 657


A lot of people think protection is a boring class. And protection can be slow, at times. But it doesn't have to be that way.

This build focuses on staying in Marvel mode and using to heal and draw from your deck. You will mitigate threat and damage through a combination of staying in hero mode, using Rechannel and using DEF (to stay around 10 health). You will not be twiddling your thumbs exhausted you will be drawing cards to heal, playing Photonic Blast and Counter-Punch. Some turns you will be able to discard Cosmic Flight and use your attack.

Rechannel usage: you will be around 2-4 defense, using your upgrades, if all goes well. This means Rechannel becomes more useful with that 1 hp heal. 4 DEF, and a heal in the wait. Meaning Helm, Cosmic Flight, and Armored Vest are worth the investment.

Key features:

  • Draw
  • Healing
  • High DEF
  • Recursion from decking out

Test Hand, after Commander ability:

This is an excellent hand and gives you plenty to work with. Use Nick to put down Armored Vest. You now have 2 DEF. That's two whole damage you won't have to take.

Flip to hero, then use Absorption to pay for Photonic Blast, and attack for 2. Cosmic Flight is what popped up in the test mode, lucky us. Use Energy to play it. You're now Aerial.

Test Hand, after Photonic Blast:


  • Armored Vest
  • Cosmic Flight

Test Hand, after Playing Cosmic Flight:

Now you'll be able to DEF an attack, deal 2 damage, mitigate 2-5 damage, and the redraw is:

Test Hand after redraw:

You now have 3 possible HP to heal. Meaning you may not need to defend that first hit, and could just take it and deal 2 more damage. Which would be a real option since there would only be 1 threat on the main scheme, most likely.

The survivability with protection is obvious. With Armored Vest, Captain Marvel's Helmet, and Cosmic Flight. You will be able to max out your DEF to 4 and have a back up plan, Cosmic Flight, in case the damage gets out of hand.


  • Armored Vest: Get it into play as soon as you can. If you get a treachery that needs you to discard it, discard this over Captain Marvel's Helmet, or Cosmic Flight. If you get two in hand Use one to pay for the other. Black Widow resource. If you have one on your board already, use its resource to avoid enemies with Black Widow.

  • Captain Marvel's Helmet: The cost is relatively high, but the benefit of this coupled with Cosmic Flight and armored vest is hard to pass up.

  • Cosmic Flight: Use DEF, Cosmic Flight, Helm, Armor and Rechannel to stabilize Marvel at around 10 health. Discard Cosmic Flight when you need to be ready for your next turn, or when damage gets dangerously high. You could have two in play as well, which again helps to keep damage low. Using Rechannel means that after discarding one or two you will eventually get to use it again.

  • Indomitable, Tenacity: This is fuel for Rechannel, or Energy Channel.

  • Energy Channel: This card is good, but lately I'm thinking not as good as Photonic Blast. Or at least it doesn't work as quickly. And that's okay. Channel is great to have in play definitely play it when it's in hand, but don't over concern yourself with putting an Energy Absorption on it unless you are missing Photonic Blast from your hand. This card will be a gradual build up to set up a 15 damage hit.


  • Black Widow: Use her to avoid extra attacks that would deal too much damage, enemies with Guard keyword, and treacheries that make the villain scheme.

  • Luke Cage: Fuel for Energy Channel. His 4 cost is too high to make work. The only time you want to see him is if there's an Overkill, so he can take the hit with his Tough status.

  • Nick Fury: One of the best allies, I don't care what they say. The most versatile response of all the bunch, and if you pick attack, or thwart, you can attack or thwart again with him. But he doesn't stop there, cause he can also block for you. Definitely situation in this build. So, if you need threat removal, a block, or extra damage for a finishing blow, this is the ally you play.

  • Spider-Woman: You need healing, and Rechannel is not enough? This is the card you want. Confuse the villain, and deal damage. She essentially let's you flip or stick around as alter-ego for more than one round (which you shouldn't with this build). Keep her around until you can get one more ally in play, Widow or Fury, to triple team the villain with a 5-6 damage hit. Or discard her when threat gets a little too close for comfort and THW for that last consequential damage.


  • Alpha Flight Station: This is going to be sacrilegious, but AF doesn't get played much in this build. Crazy, I know. I am not looking for tons of cards, I am looking for specific cards. I don't need to worry about which is okay to discard to get 2 more, etc. If you get it early, if threat is low (0) and you have an ally, you could take advantage of one flip and have an 8 card hand size. Otherwise, this is a resource to pay for other cards, or info to give Widow to make bad cards go away.

  • Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier,: Resources, and again Widow resource.

  • Med Team: If you can get The Power of Protection to knock off most of the cost this card can become playable. However, It's most optimal use is for Rechannel, or to add an to Energy Channel.


  • Counter-Punch: Gives you a way to hit back when defending, always use it if able to DEF.

  • Crisis Interdiction: This card is pretty tricky. Without Aerial it is best used with an ally or two that can THW also. With Aerial it is still not great, as you will also need an ally or yourself to likely THW once more to remove a side scheme. It's okay to hold on to if you're expecting a side scheme, otherwise use it to pay for other cards, Rechannel, or Absorption. In this build threat should be fairly low if you keep in hero mode.

  • Emergency: Energy Channel fuel, Rechannel fuel.

  • First Aid: When you need an extra 2 healing in hero mode, or to pass on a encounter card with Widow. Could also be used to heal an ally with high THW, for another two threat removal.

  • Photonic Blast: The best card in this deck. When this card is in your hand, you play it, and you play it with a bolt. Best way to play it is with Energy Absorption. If not make sure to spend one of the expendable bolts, like Luke Cage, Med Team, Emergency and two other cards. Also, do not be afraid to spend a Photonic Blast on a 3 health enemy, especially if they have the Guard keyword.


  • Energy: this can help you get to 5 on Channel quicker, or help immediately pay for cards like Captain Marvel's Helmet, or Cosmic Flight. Those upgrades take precedence, way before Channel, then Photonic blast, if you need to save a card.

  • Energy Absorption: Use it to pay for Photonic Blast and save a card/get a card.

  • The Power of Protection: The wilds on here are basically more . It's best used to bring in Black Widow for much cheaper, and have her manipulate the encounters. Med Team could be a target too, but that's only if you expect hard hits, or are at 4 HP.

  • Enemies: do not let them gang up on you. Having a Cosmic Flight you can discard will save you from defending and give you an opportunity to deal some damage, along with an ally preferably. Otherwise if you were only hit for 2-3, Rechannel may be more optimal.

Aug 06, 2022 paulyd83 · 1

Too long of a write-up. Makes you think way too hard about how each card should be used. Please abide by the K.I.S.S. principle.

Jul 19, 2023 Saintagimi · 1

Kudos! Great work. Gonna give feedback after testing solo on klaw.

Nov 30, 2023 Jester · 1

Hey, just wanted to say “Thank you” I am a new player, and having just the core system so far, this is a HUGE HUGE help. I really appreciate the veterans uploading core cards for us noobs. Great work!!!!!