Running A One Mile Loop

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

teamcanadahockey2002 · 8224

In a land without Stalwart/Steady, status cards are king. This is why cards like Pheromones, Hex Bolt and Swing In are such powerful cards - -being able to nullify multiple villain activations. Spider-Man (Miles Morales Green Ally) is another that can both Stun and Confuse, but has a pretty tricky trigger to meet, needing to have three Web-Warriors on the deck to get the full benefit.

But what if you could play Miles every single turn??? You could Stun/Confuse the villain regularly and have super strong control deck.

But, there aren't a lot of characters who could even afford to pay this turn after turn. Paying the 5 ER for Miles is a pretty steep investment as it will likely cost you your whole hand. AND... even if you have the resources, who could also keep playing Miles on the regular?

Enter Domino

With her ability to reliably pull Jackpot!, she has the resources, and with her Alter-Ego Action, she has the ability to recur Miles. As of the publishing of this deck, there are no posted decks on the CDB using Spider-Man with Domino, so hopefully this is something new and interesting for you all to try out.

So here's the plan...

First of all, you need to get some Web-Warriors on the table. In addition to Jackpot, we're including all the normal doubles, Digging Deep x3, but also Meditation. If we're getting the villain stunned, we really don't need to block. Her 1 THW and 2 ATK is fine, but totally worth an exhaust in order to be able to have what becomes three more triple resources. So to start the game, you need to play Web-Warriors as you can. Prioritize the ones that don't need one already in play like Silk, Spider-UK and Spider-Man Noir. But don't block with them just yet...

Web of Life and Destiny is also pretty key to our combo, as it syncs so well with Pip the Pug. Ideally, Miles will be activating in order to hit the discard pile using his last HP on your turn. So the play here is to use Pip the Pug to put Jackpot on top of your deck first, and when you have Miles activate and get discarded, his leaving play will draw you Jackpot. Then, since you're in Alter-Ego, you can swap a card from your hand to exchange for Miles and put him right back into play using the Jackpot you just drew plus one other resource. If done this way, you can get Miles back into play at the cost of just 2 cards from your hand (one to make the trade, plus one more to add to Jackpot). I can't state enough how incredible it is to get a stun and confuse (plus more) for just 2 ER!!!!!

This combo is quite reliable, put plays differently at each player count. If you are playing true solo, the Stun and Confuse will last you long enough to use up all of Miles' HP - the first on the turn you play him, the second on the turn you flip, and the third while you are in AE again once the status cards are gone. For the cost of 5 ER (but remember, only two cards if using the Jackpot loop), you'll get a stun, a confuse, and 3 activations, (likely 6 ATK). That is really solid, and pretty much puts the villain into a permanent stun/confuse-lock. There are also very few things that can ruin this combo for you. Domino's Obligation is the worst, but since you are controlling when Spider-Man hits the discard pile, you can guarantee you can swap for him in AE when you are ready. The key is to make sure that you don't get Miles into the discard pile if another card is going to be used or discarded before you can trigger your AE ability.

In 2P, if you play where both players stagger their flips to AE/Hero, you can effectively skip right to encounter cards after placing initial threat. However, Miles will still have 2 HP left when you start your turn, so you can't get him in the discard pile effectively. However, there are still a few ways:

  • One is to use Miles to attack any enemy with retaliate. This is actually where retaliate works in your favor.
  • Another is to get down a Spider-Tingle. Use it on Miles to remove one of his HP. Normally, I'm actually happy if it is NOT a treachery, because then I don't have to discard the Spider-Tingle and I know I can keep my loop running. However, if I do discard a treachery, then I've negated the villain turn even further, so win-win.
  • The final way is to also have Spider-Man on the table so that when Peter Parker version activates, he can ready the Miles version so Miles can get himself into the discard pile. This is where Luck Be a Lady comes in handy, healing Peter so he can keep our loop running

When you play in multiplayer, this deck tends to take more of a traditional protection deck, spending most of the resources on keeping the table healthy. If you play 3P, you can even use Miles to block for another player, getting him to your discard pile. However, this is riskier, as you don't have control of what happens in the encounter phase. If anything puts a card on the top of your discard pile, you're loop is lost for quite a while. Don't do this until you see cards like Caught Off Guard in the discard pile first.

Now although the villain may be locked down, you do want to push damage. Fortunately, with Domino's Pistol and Sharpshooter you can also reliably put some decent damage out. With both Pistols out plus Sharpshooter, you'll look at between 4-8 damage per turn which cost nothing. Actually, they net you extra because you can then get cards under The Painted Lady to give you even more cards in hand to play with.

Obviously this one isn't going to work well against a Stalwart/Steady villain, but I've had a ton of success with it in solo, and it really shines when you bring it to a multiplayer game. Bring this one to your next games night and the table will love you for keeping the villain locked-down all game to free them up to do their things.

Hope you'll give it a try. As always, appreciate a like and/or a comment. Until next time Champions...


Jun 18, 2024 adsarf · 428

Hi @teamcanadahockey2002, why so many allies? Seems like with one slot each for Peter and Miles the rest won't be able to hit the table very often?

Jun 18, 2024 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8224

@adsarf Great question!

Because the trigger for getting Miles to Stun and Confuse needs three Web Warriors, you really want to play as many WW as you can as early as possible and keep them on the table. But, because many of them require another WW card down, we want to maximize our chances of seeing them in the early game.

The good news is that, yes, despite only having 3 ally slots and ideally using 2 of them permanently, WW allies love entering and leaving play as most have effects kn one side or the other. And WoLaD gives card draw.

But even if the WWs didnt always want to be coming and going, getting to 3 of them ASAP for Miles is so vital, Ive found its worth stacking the deck with as many as I can for the early game

Jun 19, 2024 adsarf · 428

Thanks for the reply @teamcanadahockey2002. That's a fair point about Web of Life and Destiny, it's such a great card. Maybe Knowhere could be useful to increase the ally limit? I appreciate it means you can't use Build Support for WoLaD any more but you can still get it out at full price.

Jun 20, 2024 journeyman2 · 23404

This is awesome! I love the Miles+Spider Tingle villain phase lock here. Jackpot to play Peter to get a WW into play is kinda neat too. Cool!

Jun 21, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5023

Would love to sneak in med team knowing you are playing this alongside Rocket w/Iron Man ally!

Jun 21, 2024 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8224

@Man-is-Obsolete Med Team was the last cut I made before posting this version. I wanted it to keep Peter Parker ally alive but ultimately went with more WW allies knowing I have Luck Be A Lady to heal