There are some nasty treachery cards including Shadow of the Past, a card that it will be always in the deck unless you already discarded it. So being able to discard one of the worst cards is nice. Specially versus villians like Venom Goblin (Remote Navigation I am looking at you). Be sure to be in hero form and be a web-warrior to trigger this card. Great card for Gwen´s decks.
Cindy Moon
Costo: 2.
Punti Ferita: 2.
Attack: 1.
Thwart: 1.
Risposta: Dopo che hai giocato Silk dalla tua mano, se controlli altre carte Web-Warrior, cerca nel mazzo degli incontri 1 insidia e scartala. (Mescola.)
"Forse sto cominciando a prenderci la mano con questa roba da supereroina."
Sinistre Intenzioni #10.
