Fists Swinging (Every Hero, Every Aspect)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tunicv · 473

I'm on a Journey

I am on a journey to play every hero in every aspect. I will be going at this in a random order and posting each deck I play. I am also trying to get better at deck building, so suggestions are encouraged to be commented. Another deck in this series,

Options for Routes

I could have gone with a Honed Technique build or a Web-Warrior build, but instead chose to opt with more simple allies and some events. This deck still has ways to build out but is not focused on it.


No card really stood out to me in this deck. I liked Wolverine and Aunt May a lot, but that is because they are all around great cards.

The priorities for building out are:

Then, just get out some allies and be ready to cycle some out.

In theory, "You'll Pay for That!" is pretty good for Spider-Man in his low thwarting capabilities, and I found in practice that the times I used it the card did well. I just don't know how much of the time you or an ally will be defending and not taking damage. This card also helps Toe to Toe shine.

Assess the Situation would not be my first choice, but I like it in Spider-Man decks, because sometimes your hand is crap and full of cards like Enhanced Spider-Sense, Webbed Up, or Spider-Tracer. Then, you use this card instead of spending it.

I like Deft Focus as an early way to help cycle through your deck and to pay for Enhanced Spider-Senses or Swinging Web Kicks which are your late game damage.

It is sad that Webbed Up makes the Spider-Sense ability not work, so I only use it in desperate need or when I don't have anything to play. I really wish that this card was unique and worked better in Spider-Man's kit.


I fought against expert Klaw with this deck, and it worked really well. I was surprised about how in the first deck pass I built out and dealt with minions and side schemes. Finally, on the second pass through of my deck, I used the amazing Swinging Web Kick.

Card Substitutions

I just picked some of the best aggression and basic allies that are versatile. You can switch them out for a lot of different options.

I could see The Power of Aggression, "You'll Pay for That!", and Deft Focus being switched out for cards that deal with the villain better. I just didn't know more all-rounder cards that would work in this deck.


  • Deck Strength: 3.5 Stars
  • Deck Fun: 4 Stars
  • Spider-Man: 4 Stars