Hulk - Ultimate Weapon

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Naytoe · 7

The design for the deck is to focus on purely attacking every turn with attack events. By filling the deck with attack events, this allows Hulk to spend his basic ability on defence. Which, when combined with 16 health, means in theory he won't need to spend any time as the other guy.

Resources can be quite scarce when you can only draw 4 cards per turn in Hulk form, but this drawback can be slightly countered with Enhanced Physique+Resourceful. They can also double as physical resources from hand when paying for other cards.

By playing attack events once per turn, this also mitigates the second drawback back for Hulk, discarding his hand at the end of the turn. Hulk's sole focus is to just keep on smashing and shrugging off whatever the Villian throws at you.

This is all leading up to the final combo Counterattack and Hulk Smash. Once prepared, save your counter attack until you draw Hulk Smash. This time, don't defend the Villian's next attack and really bring the hurt.

Now of course there is still one flaw as Hulk, the lack of thwarting. There are cards in this deck that can help with this problem but they should be an after thought, as the real strategy is to try and bring down the Villian before the main scheme is completed.

This can create some pretty fun and down to the wire battles which Hulk won't always win. But that's part of the fun.


Apr 26, 2024 Bluebirdataz86 · 26

If the design of this deck is attack then why didn't you include test the defense?

Apr 26, 2024 Naytoe · 7

That would be a great card for this deck. I have not bought the new expansion yet.