She-Hulk Martial Law

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Incredibul · 3267

Basic Concept The Justice and Alter-Ego Toolkit eats Threat, She-Hulks own Kit does the damage.

Playstyle Use Concussive Blowto safely go to Alter-Ego mode. Got the card? Just do it, and then Heal for 7 with Down Time. Use Endurance to put your hit points higher.

Notable Cards Concussive Blow is the Card of the Game. Ever since I saw it, I wanted to do a She-Hulk Justice Deck. It's like the card was done for her. In Solo, her Playstyle with frequent flipping was often very risky, as a single turn in Alter-Ego could spell doom on you. With Concussive Blow and Split Personality, you have 4 cards out of 40 to safely heal once. The Down Time and Endurance Package add to that Strategy.

Great Responsibility is a pretty bad card in solo, but in Multiplayer, it's a good card, as you can use it if another player is in Alter-Ego. Still, I don't sideboard it in Solo, as it has a valuable Science Ressource for Superhuman Law Division and against some Villains, even Thwarting for one is ok. Of course, the synergy with Gamma Slam is obvious, and with all the healing you might need Focused Rage AND Great Responsibility to get your power Turn.

Edit: Removing 1 #Surveillance Team and 1 #Enhanced Awareness for 40 cards.


Jan 14, 2020 Incredibul · 3267

I removed 1x Surveillance Team and 1x Enhanced Awareness to stay in the 40 card limit.