Chance Encounter of the Sister Kind

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Man-is-Obsolete · 3804

Chance Encounter of the Sister Kind

Assessing together is better Knowhere


I love revisiting some older heroes with the full current card pool as there are some very good discoveries sometimes. Gamora was a hero I played a lot when she first released and then I feel like she's been collecting dust since, and I feel like that happened for a lot of other people as well. Last year at the Con of Heroes I don't even think I saw her played by anyone. So as we approached this year's Con of Heroes I wanted to knock off the dust and see what she is capable of today and found a couple of really great interactions for her!

Instead of going into great detail about how Gamora and this deck works I thought it might be more beneficial to discuss some of the more recent cards added to the card pool that are great for Gamora as well as a few other cards I haven't seen in many Gamora decks.

  • Wolfsbane – This is such a cool ally for Gamora! Gamora runs a lot of events (25 in this deck) and makes calling Event a very safe guess. In addition, Gamora's Alter Ego ability allows her to look at the top card of the deck and if it isn't an ATTACK or THWART event then that puts it into the perfect spot for Wolfsbane to draw for you. As you play more and have good knowledge of the deck you can change your guess to something that is more advantageous to you. Like once I was at 9 cards but I knew one of those was a Keen Instincts so even though it was it was a low chance to draw Keen Instincts it was better to lose out on the card draw than to discard Keen Instincts so I called "upgrade". It paid off because the card was actually Keen Instinct!
  • Cutupper - I was at 39 cards for the longest time and realized "Gamora has a new aspect to choose from!!!!" Granted the options were limited, but I like Cutupper here as a 1 of. It has good damage output and applies stun. Also Nebula can go get it for you out of your deck for when the moment calls for a much needed Stun.
  • Superpower Training - I feel I barely need to discuss this card haha, I would priortize Keen Instincts if you have neither in play, and Gamora's Sword if you have at least one Keen Instincts in play.
  • Assess the Situation – I am forgoing Doubles here except for one Genius, because Assess the Situation can act like a resource if we plan ahead. That is a bit of a theme of this deck, planning ahead. Also as mentioned previously with there being so many events in the deck there is a good chance Wolfsbane will draw this for us and that can then be paid forward with an increased handsize next turn. Also Gamora is often doing quite a bit on her turn and found I was able to play 2-3 Assess the Situations in a single turn and not fall behind.

Chance Enounter

I need a small section to talk about a card that is criminally under represented for Gamora, Chance Encounter. I am a huge fan of this card and use it to great effect with SP//dr Suit, and it really sings here as well. Let me just describe a situation I had once:

  • I had one card in hand and could have played it with either of my Keen Instincts - Instead I recognized I had 2 threat remaining on a side scheme with Chance Encounter attached.
  • I basic thwart with Gamora to clear that side scheme
  • Bringing Nebula to hand, and drawing a card with Skilled Investigator
  • I now have 3 cards in hand and both Keen Instincts still available
  • I use 2 of the cards to play Nebula who finds For Justice! from the deck
  • Use both Keen Instincts to play said copy of For Justice!

You can do that like multiple times a deck pass!!! Then combine that with Knowhere and you can get even more value out of playing Nebula from Chance Encounter. It is so much fun and so good. With 21 ATTACK and THWART events in the deck it will be hard for Nebula to whiff.

I hope you will give this a go, with a bit of proper Assessing your next Chance Encounter with Gamora will be as fun as I have been having lately!


I built this deck mainly to play in Multiplayer settings, with Con of Heroes coming up. However for solo play I could see the following edits:

-3 Assess the Situation +3 One Way or Another

The above will solve two problems for true solo, getting a side scheme out to attach Chance Encounter to and draw cards now to help you. Could also see cutting one One Way or Another for Build Support or Lay the Trap with the latter turning incidental threat removal into damage.

I could also see swapping Multitasking for Clear the Area in solo or even 2 player games.

At higher player count games where there is going to be an Avenger player and/or a lot of Avenger allies I would recommend:

-1 or 2 - For Justice! +1 or 2 - Problem Solvers

Problem Solvers is an alliance card that is very powerful and Nebula can help you not only bring it to hand but act as one of the characters you need to exhaust in order to play it. Win Win!


Mar 25, 2024 journeyman2 · 20776

When you said you’d been playing a lot of Gamora lately, I should have known! Meaty write-up to procrastinate my afternoon with too

Mar 26, 2024 Dansome · 1

This is really neat, thanks for sharing.

Mar 27, 2024 josseroo · 618

Love the AE action / Wolfsbane / Assess interactions! And the ability for her to include Cutupper in any build is such a gift.

Apr 02, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 3804

@josseroo I love Cutupper for Gamora! I really wish Nebula could search the discard just so she can bring that card back.

Apr 03, 2024 josseroo · 618

Moar recursion!