Swinging web pool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

theromeo3517 · 1929

Swinging Web Pool

cost chart

Yep. The cost curve looks like that. Yep. There are 15 allies. It's a gimmick deck folks. Buckle up.

Why do we play spiderman?

Swinging Web Kick

Really? Just that one card

Yes. This is a deck about playing Swinging Web Kick as many times as it takes to win. Everything else is in support of that goal.

But Peter Parker is Poor. He can't even afford his rent.

Not this Peter. He's got Self Confidence, Self Control, and Self Preservation. And all of these produce the exact number of resources needed to draw Swinging Web Kick

He's also got Ingenuity, Quincarrier, and two Web-Shooters. You're gonna be swimming in resources.

But what if I take damage, then the 'pool resources sucks. I'm upset

Listen up nerd, not taking damage is spider-man's specialty. There's Backflip of course. There are also an absurd number of allies in this deck. You will probably draw one every turn. Throw then down and let them die for you like Uncle Ben (too soon?). This deck has all the cheesy, high efficiency basic allies so go nuts.

If you have too many damage sponges, use Get in Front of Me! and draw another spider sense card. If you do end up taking some damage (lol) Healing Factor and Aunt May can top you off.

Oh no, I have too much money now

If you wind up with more resources than you can spend in a turn, Machine Man and Blackout are there to eat them up. If you draw Mulligan, try to spend resources on these sinks and then redraw a new hand.

What was that you said about Swinging web kick

Yes, you need to draw Swinging Web Kick in order to play it. How the heck can we draw more cards?

Ironheart, Moon Girl, Nick Fury, Hope Summers (search for Swinging Web Kick), Avengers Mansion, and Rock, Paper, Scissors can all draw you cards. Between those and the spider-sense hero response, you're gonna have a buttload of cards.

Once you have your card draw and resources set up, you can pretty easily play 2, maybe 3 Swinging Web Kicks in a turn. That plus your ally swings will get the villain down quick.

Spider-Man sucks at thwarting though

Yeah, he does. Blackout is basically Legal Practice plus a confuse, so try to keep that down when you can. Otherwise, let your 15 ally friends do the thwarting

I'm fully convinced. This is the best deck ever, I'll never play anything else

I thought so.

Breaking character, this is a silly deck, but it's fun to play. The triple pool resources really work for an expensive kit like Peter's. I've beaten expert Magneto and Venom Goblin with this deck, so it can get things done in solo. It shoudl scale for multiplayer, although your friends might get mad at you for taking all the best basic allies.

Have fun, let me know if you have any fun matches or good substitutions for this deck!


Dec 05, 2023 journeyman2 · 23590

“Listen up nerds” LOL

Dec 05, 2023 seneca29 · 173

Lol I love the writing