Card draw simulator
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SoloMarvelChampion · 2411
Turn Two Ronan Win
This deck is designed specifically to beat Standard Ronan on Turn 2 using a VERY specific path (but you still need some luck).
- You MUST have Symbiote Suit in your hand, so dump everything on the mulligan if you don't have it.
- If you don't have it after the mulligan BUT have Ironheart or Maria Hill AND a double to play it you MAY draw into it and still have 4 resources to pay for it (don't forget you can generate a with the Milano) ...
- If not, go ahead and call it a loss and reshuffle and try again!
An ally is VERY nice (but not required):
- If you have the Suit AND one of your 2-cost allies (except for Vivian) you can play the ally and get a resource back to play the suit while still holding onto Maximum Effort (whether that's a straight card draw, a tutor, or an event [which may whiff]).
- You're NOT going to block with this ally! (see Safeguards below)
Some LUCK required: There are several encounter cards which can end your game even if you get lucky with Symbiote Suit, and you'll be getting at LEAST three encounter cards, plus any surges (the standard encounter card for the phase, plus 1 from Kree Command Ship, plus 1 from Symbiote Suit). Don't forget you can cancel one When Revealed effect on a Treachery with a resource and the Milano (per Kree Command Ship)!
- Many Ship Command cards are especially bad, because you don't want to exhaust the Milano if you don't have to (so you can use it to cancel a treachery or as a resource) and you don't want to spend resources (you'll need 3 to play This Card is Fire):
- Rogue Vessel will deal you a damage (See Safeguards below) when the villain phase ends, which WILL defeat you because you'll have 1HP
- Blind Side can stun you (See Safeguards below)
- Hull Breach can deal 3 damage
- Power Siphon can discard a card at random (See Safeguards below)
- There are two copies of Kree Lieutenant which have Guard. There is a slim chance to overcome it though... (See Safeguards below)
- Kree Combat Armor reduces attacks by 1, which can be devostating! (See Safeguards below)
- Kree Physiology will cause you to take a lethal damage if you didn't knock off Ronan's Stage II Tough with an ally (See Safeguards below)
- Caught Off Guard will discard your Symbiote Suit, which loses you 10 HP (and defeats you).
The Two Turn Win
As mentioned above, Mulligan HARD for Symbiote Suit (and scoop if you don't get it, or don't have a chance to draw it with an ally)
Player Phase 1
- If you don't have a Maximum Effort in hand use your Alter-Ego Break the Fourth Wall action to discard a card to find Maximum Effort.
- If you have a 2-cost ally (except for Vivian) AND a double, play it and get a resource back (from card draw, tutor, or hopefully grabbing an event), which allows you to hold onto Maximum Effort.
- Play Symbiote Suit, which gets you up to 19 HP
- Flip up to hero form
- Attack to knock off Ronan's Tough
- Play Maximum Effort and take 15 damage to deal 15 to Ronan. This defeats him and leaves you at 4 HP, which is important because he'll attack for 4 and there's a SLIM chance he could draw no boosts even though he's getting two boost cards (normal boost plus he'll get one additional boost card because you control the Power Stone)
- If you were able to play one of those allies, attack with it to knock off his Stage II Tough.
- If you have a Target Acquired or Assess the Situation left over (because you were able to play the suit with one or more doubles), play them now
- Your turn ends and THEN draw up to your hand size meaning (I think...) if you draw into This Card is Fire you wont take a damage (but if I'm wrong, Warning can prevent it - See Safeguards below)
Villain Phase:
- Two threat goes on the main
- Ronan attacks for 3 plus two Boosts - TAKE IT! This would defeat you BUT your Forced Interrupt sets you to 1 HP, flips you to Alter-Ego, and adds an acceleration token.
- Deal with Three encounter cards (or more if they surge)
Safeguards: There are several cards in the deck to help safeguard you during the villain phase (if you're lucky enough to draw them):
- Target Acquired can cancel a boost effect (Ronan will get two boost cards)
- Warning can reduce damage by 1, whether it's dealt or taken (because when you're dealt damage you take it, and it's also reduced rather than prevented), which safeguards against Rogue Vessel and Kree Physiology.
- Athletic Conditioning will safeguard against a Blind Side Stun.
- Any of your 2-cost allies will also safeguard against the stun, because you can attack to clear it and still knock of a Tough with the ally.
- Vivian can blank the text on Kree Lieutenant, causing him to lose Guard. BUT you need to draw into her at the end of your first turn AND not have the Milano exhausted in order to have the resources to also pay for This Card is Fire!
- Last Stand requires you to have an ally, but combined they will safeguard against Kree Combat Armor, which reduces attacks against Ronan by 1. Those allies have an attack of 1 (reduced to 0), so you need the damage boost to deal damage, because This Card is Fire will also be reduced to 17 damage...
- Assess the Situation (played during your previous turn) gives you an extra resource during your second player phase and helps buffer against discarding a random card (Power Siphon).
- You'll want to use the interrupt on Kree Command Ship as late in the encounter phase as possible so you still have access to the Milano and an extra resource:
- This ensures you can still play This Card is Fire if one of those Ship Command cards come up and you need to use the "spend resources" option
- You'll have that extra card in hand to "buffer" against a random discard (Power Siphon).
Player Phase 2
- If you survived the encounter cards...
- Use Break the Fourth Wall to find This Card is Fire
- Flip up to Hero form
- If Ronan still has a Tough, attack to knock it off
- Play This Card is Fire. Your Sustained Damage is 18, which means you deal 18 to Ronan, and defeat him!
Nov 25, 2023 |
Nov 25, 2023
That's pretty awesome. I watched the video. So good to see him go down in two turns haha. I'm surprised you didn't run 'Pool though for Mulligan (also, I don't have Deadpool yet but will probably get him now)!