All the Sonic Rifles you can get

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Aatxe · 20

First draft of idea I wanted to play around, I tried Deadpool in aggression and Pool and I wasn't happy, then I got pretty odd idea - what if I use Armed to the Teeth to swap Sonic Rifle with ... Sonic Rifle

So that's my first version, please feel free to modify the deck and let me know if you have any nice ideas, I tested this deck in solo (expert) and I believe it should be ok in multi

Priority cards:

Deadpool's Katana *2

Side Holster

Sonic Rifle

Armed to the Teeth with Sonic Rifle

Float Like a Butterfly

You swap Sonic Rifle with Sonic Rifle which results in infinite Sonic Rifle, villain is constantly confused, you can chew through steady with no issues, only stalwart makes any difference, you can confuse high HP minions to easier deal with them with Deadpool's Katana thanks to Float Like a Butterfly, you have such an abundance of Sonic Rifle charges you can use it for 3 damage

Games are bit erratic as you essentially play on heroic because of Symbiote Suit, but deck is pretty good at controlling the board

In multi I would probably drop Clear the Area to have extra Skilled Investigator and try to sneak in some Upside the Head


  1. Sonic Rifle does not attack, it's damage is not increased by Float (it works with Katana's)

  2. I don't like Symbiote Suit, in tougher scenarios/modulars creates more mess than it's worth for single basic activation hero like Deadpool, still extra HP is sweet so I went for Specialized Training to get Front Line Specialist

  3. In late game I find myself with too many resource cards and nothing to spend them on, requires more testing but I think I'd drop Clear The Area and get more allies, some decent choices are Wraith, Nick Fury and Pete Wisdom, maybe Bishop