You Friend and Neighbor - Spider-Man Protection II

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pritoos · 33

A defense deck focused on preventing the damage income.

It can play solo but the damage imput is a little slow, relying too much on the Swinging Web Kick. It shines in multiplayer (specially 2 players). Well, it does not shine too much, except when you play a well rounded Kick, but it works pretty well allowing the other decks to shine themselves.

The idea is to protect as many "neighbors" as possible every turn. Even if the neighbor is an angry green giant who can lift trucks and throw them against the enemy, defending him now and then is a good idea: it will avoid distractions from his true job.

With this in mind, prevention is the goal, and so the cards we are looking for are:

Added to this, Enhanced Awareness and Enhanced Reflexes are there with the Web-Shooter to set up a good resource base to be used in the enemy´s round, and Unflappable allows you to draw very often (drawing a Backflip after you took a risk to defend a neighbor in need makes you feel like you´re in the movie).

I usually mulligan for permanents (discarding any event I draw), try to set up, and inmediatelly switch to Spider-Man, trying to remain in hero mode as long as I can. Eventually, the enemy can reduce your life to quite a low number, and hopefully by that time you will have Aunt May waiting home for you to go to bed. I usually seek to play a Webbed Up on the turn I am going to switch to Peter Parker, thus leaving my pals protected the turn I try to recover completely by the taste of those homely cookies.

I have played with this deck quite a bit, and realized that you can consistently defend one of your neighbours every turn, and ocassionaly two of them. It is a good idea to identify who you will be mostly defending before the game starts (someone like a focused aggression or intervention character can be a good idea), and sit right after him/her. This will allow you to play after him most of the time (in 3+ player games).

That´s it, mainly. Suggestions welcome!