The Unflappable Hulk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Black Widow Leads for Justice 1 1 0 3.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Schmendrix · 5054

Hulk dances to his own beat.

Specifically, on the downbeat - let's call it the end of his turn - he discards his whole hand. This creates challenges for some aspects, and, frankly, his hero set, which tend to have high cost cards. However, Protection offers some interesting opportunities. This deck tries to take advantage of them.

Core ideas

  • Unflappable can help mitigate Hulk's hand size challenge. Once a turn, if he defends without taking damage, he draws. Don't be afraid to take a hard mulligan to try and get closer to this card if you don't draw it in your opening hand. I think it's worth discarding Limitless Strength for, to be honest. Consider face tanking the villain to defend a minion attack you know will trigger Unflappable.
  • Start thinking about your turn as starting in the villain phase. You'll have four cards as Hulk, some of which Protection will want you to play on the villain turn (e.g., Desperate Defense, Counter-Punch). By using Protection and cards playable in the villain phase, you're basically doubling your chances for your small hand to make an impact - once in the villain phase, once in the hero phase.
  • Consider your hand as consisting of roughly two plays. If you have four cards, you can play two one-cost upgrades, or one one-cost event (Desperate Defense) and then a one-cost upgrade on the player turn. If you have drawn a card (via Unflappable) or have resources on the table, you can play one one-cost card and one two-cost card (4 cards and a resource or 5 cards). This again is where Protection can shine - there are a lot of useful one-cost upgrades (Armored Vest, Electrostatic Armor, Indomitable), so you can build your table even in hero mode, which is crucial as the Protection hero. This also creates space for two-cost cards to play in the hero phase, like Momentum Shift.
  • This deck is intended to be used in multiplayer, where the Hulk player can be a net damage beast. He'll defend 1-3x per turn, and can still deal a ton of damage occasionally with Hulk Smash, especially late game. Retaliate via Immovable Object and Electrostatic Armor will grind the villain's health. Given that it's multiplayer, and the nature of the rhythm of Hulk's deck, two-cost resource generators (Enhanced Physique) are a lot more natural in his deck, and you can forego Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier, counting on your partner to carry them. You can do stuff without them.
  • Pairs well with the BW Leadership deck I included as "inspired by". It's designed to be a thwart-focused leadership deck with Maria Hill recursion to fuel Hulk.

Other useful cards

  • Target Acquired is not an obvious include, and might get cut some day, but I like it because it's a one-cost (two card) upgrade that can make Hulk's life a lot easier. It's worth playing if resources allow for the future dividend.
  • Counter-Punch enables a special two-play hand if you can gain a resource or a card: Counter-Punch during the villain phase into Hulk Smash, or Thunderclap in the player phase (a three-cost card). It also allows you to gain value from Boundless Rage, which should hit the table and stay for a while.
  • Momentum Shift extends the period you can stay in hero mode. With a health pool of 22 (with Immovable Object) and 3x Momentum Shift, you can take 27 damage before you have to flip down. Given that touching you at all while defending will require the villain hitting for 5-6 regularly, and you have allies and Mockingbird, you might not need to flip down all game. However, I would view this card as this deck's flex spot. If you're facing Ultron, swap Momentum Shift for Energy Barrier.

Future directions

  • HULK WANTS LOW-COST CARDS. Any Protection ally with <=3 cost should be considered for this deck. Two-cost Protection allies would be so ... wonderful. And keep an eye on Protection events that are playable during the villain phase.

  • Energy Barrier might just be strictly better than Momentum Shift. The on Momentum Shift may not justify the one fewer damage prevented/dealt. However, on turns when you CAN play Hulk Smash, you'll be glad the resources is , not .


Aug 19, 2020 ecamel · 11

The big problem with Protection is that the allies are horrible. Like Black Widow, particularly in this deck without many resources, isn't great. She's a 3 cost ally with 2/1/2. Compare that to, say, Agent Coulson (Justice) who costs the same, has a much less situational game text (I mean, I suppose all of your prep cards could already be on the table but not likely) and that 1 extra health means he's at least removing 6 threat for the cost. Your other two inclusions are better, but not by a lot. Not criticizing your choices; there just isn't anything else.

I agree with the large majority of the deck. I'd drop an Enhanced Physique for Helicarrier; being able to generate any resource helps Black Widow, helps with villain buffs that need multiple resource types to get rid of, basically accomplishes exactly what EP does but better and with more value.

I think you have enough in the deck to trade 1 Momentum Shift for Energy Barrier.

Aug 19, 2020 Schmendrix · 5054

Totally agree on protection allies. Black Widow is only here because there are no better options.

Aug 19, 2020 Schmendrix · 5054

Oh, and Helicarrier doesn't do any of the stuff, unfortunately. Can only be used to discount cards. If you're thinking of Quincarrier, yes, but should be carried by other player, not Hulk. They'll get more value.