Spider-Woman's friend Space Hawkeye

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Spider-Woman - Perfected 12 11 2 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

jwads88 · 7

This is just a fun, jinky deck to voltron Yondu into a massive damage machine. With all the upgrades which are basically free due to Finesse, Space Hawkeye can dish out 12 damage a turn, every turn. Oh by the way 2 of that damage can be separated (#Power Gloves) and the two lots of 5 are piercing and overkilling #sweetsweetdamage. Target Practice can sit on the board until you want to add some extra punch to smash a beefy minion or go to face.

The other piece of this deck is having targets for Spider Woman to swing big too, whether it is using Mean Swing to swing for 5 or Teamwork paired with Enraged Hulk to swing for 7.

Yondu can also be a target for Teamwork to help boost Spider-Woman's thwart to 4 which is helpful in a pinch.

I played this deck paired with Spectrum Justice which was super helpful for extra thwarting and some extra copies of Honorary Avenger (though it wasn't necessary).

With so much on the board, I found in the late game I was mainly cycling aspect events and having heaps of resources due low cost curve and Finesse. Super fun.