Creepy Crawlies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1151

Bugs everywhere! Call a swarm of cheap bug-allies and a few other creepy friends. This would be a great Halloween deck - who says you can't have Halloween in April?

With Leadership and Aggression you have both Ant-Man and Wasp, which can be played for 0 cost once Team Training is out. If you do that you can exhaust them for Strength In Numbers, then use them to block an attack - such great value! You can even bring them back again with Make the Call.

Besides that, other cheap allies include Stinger, Blade (ok, not a bug, but vampires are scary), and Spider-Girl. The other allies, Thor and Thor are more expensive, but Strength In Numbers and Finesse will give you plenty of resources to spend. Also, a bit of thunder is essential for any spooky scenario. Thor is good with Strength In Numbers, as you can exhaust him for that and save the tough status to block a villain attack. She-Hulk rounds out the line-up as she also appreciates the extra hit point from Team Training.

To make the most of Strength In Numbers you have The Triskelion and Avengers Tower, allowing you to have up to 6 allies at once (including Stinger). I often end up splitting the ally uses between Strength In Numbers and attacking/thwarting.

The other part of the deck is to boost your allies with Mighty Avengers and Boot Camp. So, Wasp and Ant-Man are not only for blocking! Sometimes it is nice to spend 1 resource, get an attack in, then block. Once you have both of the supports out Wasp will have a huge 5 attack, and Ant-Man 4 attack with 3 thwart. This also means that Make the Call can effectively become 5 damage for 0 cost with Wasp in the discard.

The other aggression cards are mostly there to balance out the numbers. It is nice having some extra attacks with Drop Kick and Into the Fray. With Finesse you should be able to meet the requirement for Drop Kick. The Power of Aggression can actually pay for most of the more expensive cards. It effectively has more targets as it can pay for an Aggression ally being brought back with Make the Call. War Room is cheap and a bit of extra thwart is nice here.

So, that's pretty much everything. It does have the standard avengers + Strength In Numbers stuff, but the extra utility of Team Training giving 0-cost allies is a great addition. Have fun!