Gamora Joins the X-Men

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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ChocoboBai · 1157

Cyclops has a new recruit, Gamora.

After messing around with Rogue builds it got me thinking about mixing traits in other decks. I had tried a Guardians deck with Rogue and realised that making Gamora an X-Men allows you to make the most of her amazing ability.

So, all you have to do:

Then you can repeatedly attack or thwart with Gamora using Game Time, which gets you an extra card every time.

3 copies of both Honorary X-Men and Danger Room Training simply allow the setup to happen faster. It is good to keep track of how many of each are left in the deck and be careful not to discard them all.

The good part of doing this with Cyclops is that he does not have many hero events. So, you are most likely to hit either Game Time, Make the Call, or Tactical Brillance. The latter of these can then get Game Time back from the discard for yet another use! Otherwise, either Ricochet Beam or Full Blast are still great and let you put out damage fast.

You can ready Gamora via Command Team, Utopia, or even Professor X if you want to. Just keep track of her health. She does have 5 health once you have both upgrades, so should be fine.

The general strategy is to play safe and get a few upgrades out while waiting for Gamora. The most important cards are probably X-Mansion and Ruby Quartz Visor. You want to get at least 1 or 2 resource generators out. Early on you can try to stay in alter-ego, especially if you see Professor X. Cyclops effectively has 7 cards thanks to his Constant Training ability, which does help to set up and play allies. Priority Target is great for speeding things up and Weapon X can help to go through the deck faster.

In general you do want to flip to alter-ego if you have chance to as it simply gives you extra resources and ensures you have a tactic to play as you need. Once Gamora is set up you can heal her with X-Mansion.

The allies give a nice selection to choose from for Make the Call. Once you have Gamora out it is very easy to have them available. Then, Forge and Phoenix allow you to get back important cards that were missed (ie. X-Mansion and Ruby Quartz Visor). Later on Phoenix can pull back Full Blast or Ricochet Beam for more damage. Defending with Armor, Forge, or Professor X should be enough.

To finish the game you can build up a lot of damage from Gamora in one go. Put Exploit Weakness on the villain and keep attacking. Each Gamora attack will hit for 4. Then, you likely draw into Ricochet Beam for 7 or Full Blast for 12 to finish the game.