Quicksilver and X-Factor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Breaking the Sound Barrier 152 116 9 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Cuacuani · 51

Yo you dealin' with the X-Factor

I've recently read the Madrox miniseries and then have been working my way through the subsequent X-Factor series by Peter David and I'm really enjoying it. So I thought I'd try and build an X-Factor deck for Marvel Champions.

To my mind, Quicksilver is the only X-Factor related Hero card we have at the moment, and although he doesn't have the trait, Serval Industries from his kit does.

Multiple Man is a no-brainer, Madrox has to be in the deck, so we have to be playing Protection. Warlock is also X-Factor traited, so he's in the deck. Warlock hasn't appeared in the run I'm reading so far, but the run is long and there's other versions of the team. Polaris is also a Protection ally and has also been in the team at some point. She can only target herself with her ability, due to how the mutants seem to be being traited by team, but hey, a 3-cost ally with tough seems decent to me. Due to sticking to the theme, we're missing out on Brother Voodoo, who I think would be good in this deck.

The main thrust of the deck is getting Quicksilver to activate multiple times, ideally with a stat boost. Adrenaline Rush, Civic Duty and Armored Vest all boost stats, alongside the options already present in Quicksilver's kit.

I flip-flopped on Indomitable because although Quicksilver can just ready himself most of the time, Gang-Up and Assault are cards that exist, so it seemed like a cheap way to mitigate being exhausted due to the villain making multiple attacks. It also helps keep Quicksilver going if you're defending for other players. What Doesn't Kill Me is a perfect card for Quicksilver, healing damage and giving you yet another bite at the cherry. Also, the Requirement can be met by Friction Resistance.

13 out of Quicksilver's 15 card set have the Superpower trait, so Deft Focus can reduce the cost of approximately 1/3 of the deck. Always Be Running costs 1, so with Deft Focus that's a free ready.

Order and Chaos is very much the 41st card, here but the Team-Up cards are fun and so I've kept it in.

In solo, the deck is all about action advantage, making multiple attacks and thwarts and still defending each turn to frustrate the Villain.

In multiplayer, the deck is more about using cards like Always Be Running, Multiple Man, Indomitable and What Doesn't Kill Me to defend for as many of your fellow Heroes as possible, allowing them to focus on winning rather than what they do if they're attacked.

Hopefully there's more X-Factor stuff coming in future waves, given that the trait already exists in the game. Personally, I'd love to see a Multiple Man Hero (especially if he'd be able to play the Multiple Man ally and I could just fill the board with cards called Multiple Man).


Feb 22, 2023 Markoni · 1

Mad props to this deck. Madrox is my favourite X-man and I owe it all to that mini and The subsequent X-Factor run. Enjoy! It’s a blast.

Feb 22, 2023 Markoni · 1

And ya know the wrestling reference despite that being a pretty terrible faction.

Feb 22, 2023 Cuacuani · 51

@Markoni Cheers mate! I'm 5 tpbs in and having a lovely old time. Madrox is fast becoming one of my favourites. Also, sorry if I made you sing X-Factor's terrible music in your head.