Hulk - Grey matter leadership 3.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10662

Just wanted to share this list for Hulk. Basic idea is simple enough: recur Professor X... and recur Limitless Strength! You can play Professor X again and again with Make the Call, and use his 3 THW and the ability to confuse the villain, plus a block the turn he comes in.

Beast is equally awesome: play him using Limitless Strength, bring it right back to your hand ! Hulk getting more uses of this card is incredible!

You can now safely return to Banner's Laboratory while the villain is confused, to play Ingenuity, use your lab's and ingenuity's to get the most out of Moon Girl. Allies thwart for you, you benefit from the blocks from Professor X and Nick Fury, plus Mockingbird's stun and block, and hit the villain here and there for good measure.

Get the most out of Professor X and Nick Fury using Command Team, getting 2 activations before they block instead of 1.

Put in play lots of resource assets ( Quincarrier, Helicarrier, Clarity of Purpose which is ideal for Hulk, Deft Focus, Ingenuity) and ready from Limitless Stamina for second attacks. If you manage to put a lot of those into play, the game gets so much easier for Hulk!

Eventually Hulk Smash!


Oct 08, 2022 Heimwarts · 1

You actually made me want to try Hulk now!

Oct 09, 2022 neothechosen · 10662


Thanks a lot! I just posted a reworked version that makes it even easier to get to most out of Beast and the recurring Limitless Strength. If you liked this list, look at the new one:

Have fun!